J C Penney Company Inc share price crashes to a new all-time low..!!
J C Penney Company Inc
Keep a close eye on J C Penney
J C Penney Company Inc share price crashes to a new all-time low..!!
Last 5 years
Keep a very close eye on J C Penney in the coming few weeks.
Thanks for reading.
Time to buy a J C Penney Company Shares ???
No. This is not investment advice. It is purely saying that technically the trend is extremely bearish. Keep a very close eye on any potential Debt Default. Stephen
Agree.you gave a nice idea.
I think so that is what it means.
Thanks for the advice about bearish. You always keep you eyes close on changes.
That's a new low... Bear trend prevailing everywhere... Bury you heads in sand and let the storm pass.
Uuu... we will 🤘 thank for the info....
-26% yesterday. That’s on pace with FB.