Some still buying into 3d illusions lmao
dis chat i had with a DJ
You both like lsd.
You: show us ur nipples
You: lol
You: u mkae $ doing this?
Stranger: every saturday
You: dats prolly cool
You: o nice at a club? what place bro
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: IN NJ
Stranger: the headliner
You: o cool id like 2 go to a inter0dimensional being hangout place here
You: i know et's have clubs like
Stranger: where thta
You: all over the multiverse bro
You: there's et bases in our solar system the whole time
Stranger: lawl
Stranger: true that
Stranger: I'm with you
Stranger: totally
You: lol its cool im looking forward 2 the staged et invasion soon the cabal is gunna pull
You: as there last trump card for nwo
You: dey gunna loose tho it gunna be hailrious
Stranger: too much Starcraft brah?
Stranger: or
You: hahah u wish me and thousands of ppl have pics of stuff
Stranger: starwars
You: u say is fake