Intelligent people can see the right resources.

Intelligent people can see the right resources.

There was a king in one country, there were many slaves in the king's court. He used to be good with everyone, but he loved a maid very much, many people in Rajmahal used to speak a lot. Someone said that the king loved a maid to be so beautiful in the state. In this way many people make many comments. One day a friend of the king said to him, Do you know that the state's people have made very bad comments about the relationship between you and the maid. The friend also said that while being so beautiful girl in the state, she got involved with this little maid. Then the king said, "Call all the beautiful women of the kingdom, and I will marry whom I love." All the beautiful girls in the state of the time appear in the royal court. From among them the king will marry whom he likes. Meanwhile, the king and his maiden also appeared. The king kept all his wealth, diamonds, money, etc. in front of everyone. The king said, take away all the resources from here, and then I will choose whom I will marry. Everyone said that everyone took money for money. But the slave did not take any riches and kept the king of the king. Everyone was stunned and looked at the maid. The friend asked the friend, 'You are poor, you are poor, how much you lack, but why do you keep the king's Punjabi without something?' The maid replied, "Everyone has taken wealth but I want to win this property owner. If I own the property, then all the resources are mine, so I have kept the owners of the property owners. Then the king said, now everyone has realized why I love maid with all the beauty of the state. Everyone was ashamed and said yes

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