The end game of the globalist according to brandon smith...

in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)

This group is identified by their intent as well as their associations. Their intent is utter dominance through globalism to the point that national borders are erased and all trade and governance flows through a single one-world edifice that they seek to control.

to enslave and rape children on islands !

that's it.

As Richard N. Gardner, former deputy assistant Secretary of State for International Organizations under Kennedy and Johnson, and a member of the Trilateral Commission, wrote in the April, 1974 issue of the Council on Foreign Relation’s (CFR) journal Foreign Affairs (pg. 558) in an article titled 'The Hard Road To World Order':

“In short, the ‘house of world order’ will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down. It will look like a great ‘booming, buzzing confusion,’ to use William James’ famous description of reality, but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault.”

Of course national sovereignty must be destroyed, for them to create their world wide rape conglomerate, where they seek to be able to rape children worldwide in worldwide "resorts"...

They want to reinvent civilization and mold it into a homogenized and highly micromanaged global hive. Within this collective, they see themselves as not only the future masters of social evolution, but also as demigods that are worshiped by the masses. And, they are willing to do almost ANYTHING to achieve this endgame.

that's another sad aspect beyond their demigod childrapists ambitions, is the destruction of all local initiative and creativity to replace it with this hive approach, top to bottom, where they seek to impose their views, reducing individuals to mere executing forces of plans mostly unfit to local areas...

In an article I wrote last year titled 'Global Elitists Are Not Human', I outlined the connection between globalist ideology, globalist actions and the psychology of narcissistic sociopaths (narcopaths or pyschopaths). I theorized that the globalists are in fact a stark example of tightly organized psychopathy.

Ah ! an original idea ! the source could be a medical reason, or sinister intents like rape rights, it doesn't really change much, dieable they are.

In other words, like a criminal cartel or cult, they are a group of psychopaths that have unified their efforts to become more efficient predators. And like many psychopaths, they have conjured elaborate philosophical explanations for their abhorrent activities to the point that they seem to have developed their own disturbing brand of religion.

Totally true ! it was so easier for corrupt to globalize than law abidding citizens or corporations... with their childrape rights black mail system they got what they want when they want it.

There comes a moment in the life of many liberty movement activists or analysts when they are confronted with this reality: The reality that we are not fighting a faceless “system” that was built passively by mistake, or built in the name of mere random greed. No, the system is only an extension of a greater agenda and the weapon of a conspiratorial army. What we are really fighting are very evil people with psychopathic desires to dominate and destroy. Attempt to change the system without removing the cabal behind it, and you will fail every time.

Exactly, and facing such a systemic pervasive having infiltrated most western insitutions, PLA, MSS and the CCP are the perfect vehicle to defeat those westerners and their allies.

I agree that it's maybe overkill to have to resort to the full might of China, but as the western globalists and their allies are after China too, it's just the perfect match in heaven :) !

How many legions can the globalists muster while raping the children of those legions? hehehehe !

art of war basic rule: don't rape children...

This is where we hit a wall of indecision and find ourselves at an impasse on solutions within the movement. There are even some people who argue that “nothing can be done”.

exactly, most are lost in some kind of rapture gig, judgement of god, or what ever deresponsabilization trick they can find...

If the tsar of all russia can be killed, the french kween decapitated, nothing is impossible !

and much more, China has successfully transitionned from the feudal world !

This is, of course, a lie. Something can indeed be done. We can fight and remove the elites from the equation entirely. In fact, we have no choice but to fight if we hope to retain any semblance of our sovereignty or foundational principles. But sadly, there are people in the movement with some influence who do not seem to understand the difference between fighting to survive, and fighting to succeed.

What's the difference, fight to win ! that's the thing, with PLA, MSS and CCP it's highly likely... the risk isn't if the foreigners who seek to enslave and rape china will defeated, that's a certainty, but how will we cope as invincible. Will China later fall like america? that's the real challenge of CCP, to not become like the usa.

The liberty movement is obsessed with the concept of “survival”. We see the globalist efforts leading to the ruin of the common man's future and we know that the threat is very real. So, we prepare; we prepare to survive, but not necessarily to prevail.

that's what I say ! with PLA and MSS !!! Those fucking foreigners will not rape and enslave china without a YUUUUUGGGEEE FIGHT ! we mean bigger than the all the wars interchinese from since the begining !

and it will goes somewhat like this : legions, the foreigners seek to rape our children.

it's on.

good luck and have fun, say we, to the opponents, it's gonna be your last mention in history :).

Survival in itself is meaningless. There are many ways to stay alive. A person could just as easily sell out to the globalists and help them, and that person would probably have better “odds” of survival than I will farming my homestead as a producer and living off my preps in defiance of them. If survival alone is your goal, then you are NOT a liberty activist and you have missed the bigger picture.

this article is getting better :). that's what I say... At one point to defeat the enslaving childraping globalists and their goons we need POWER ! People Power ! Liberated People Power ! and if organized in the traditions allied with the most modern fine tuning in the conduct of the largest scale possible of war, we win !

while they rape their own children, we can train, prepare and arm peacefully while very disturbed by the current evolution of the west... maximizing resolve !

Even in the event that you can weather the storm of economic chaos or political civil war safely in an isolated retreat somewhere on a far off mountaintop, what kind of world will you be coming back to when you finally have to leave that idyllic castle? What kind of world will your children be coming back to? And their children...?

that's what I say, no surrender! the only outcome is victory ! and as you see, we haven't engaged yet the opponents, we build ! more ! when we reach 1:10000 kill rate toward the forces of the globalists child rapists (or earlier) we may move, or later...

The only people who can defeat People Liberation Army, are the people of china themselves. but rest assured, we will use such darkness to not end in this situation, that who ever you are, what ever you believe, you will be freighted. Taoists wars, are the worst... depending on your side :).

I'm certainly not dismissing the usefulness of survival culture. I'm a big proponent of it. But there are self proclaimed survival “gurus” out there that are misleading the movement into thinking that survival is the final goal. And to this end, they have criticized people for organizing or preparing to fight the establishment. They claim it can't be done. We'll be "wiped off the face of the Earth". The enemy is far too strong and what can a mere rifle do against a tank? But if survivalism requires running away and hiding like a coward from a known evil or refusing to take action for the sake of future generations, then I don't want to be a survivalist...

Rest assured, that survivalism is the hearth of the art of war ! it's better to delay a fight a thousand times to win it once. But as you see with the various project, CCP is very serious on this issue (finally after a few hundred years China has taken, again, it's safety. I can't say how important it is.

Today, the Khan, would ask to join PLA. that's the type of leadership we strive to represent. The People Army of China to Liberate !

Freedom cannot be boiled down to a dream or a wish; something that might happen someday if we are able to stay alive long enough. Freedom is a responsibility that is already born into most human beings. It's not a cheesy or childish ideal, it's a timeless ideal. Freedom and the fight for peace and balance in the face of would-be emperors is an infinite battle. It never ends. The fight IS freedom. Without the fight, freedom disappears.

exactly ! defending the border of China ! a sacred duty of the chinese soldiers. ideally, at the outside you should see both wings of the tao, you should see what you seek, and what you fear.

For each person that defies collectivists and totalitarians, even at the risk of their own life, the shadow is held back another day. This is what matters, and this is what the survival purists don't get. You have to make yourself WORTHY of surviving, by standing for principles and values that are bigger than you are. Otherwise you're not worth a damn to anyone, even yourself.

that's the error ! defense is a collective endeavor. When a town of barbarian decide to attack a survivalist camp, it's mostly over for them, when those same barbarians, 100, 1000, 10000 (already a little big), force, one army of a million men to move, we have what we call a fair fight. and the barbarians will be gone from memory. the last one will die.

As for the notion of the impossible mountain; the lone rebel taking on a vast globalist army...this is not a delusional fantasy and these people are not alone. There are millions of us out there, getting ready and forming pockets of resistance. In the meantime we fight the information war, because the globalist's most powerful weapon is not a tank or even a nuclear bomb, it's propaganda. The ability to turn a population in on itself and cause it to self destruct is far more dangerous than any technological advancement or military marvel.

exactly what I sought to bypass ! With PLA / CCP / MSS, I don't have to give a damn fuck about what the childrapists says or even do... this is the true power of might, what ever they say, do or combine, will be erased.

simply. razed, lives, ideas, tricks and traps. by the void.

As a long time mixed martial artist, I have seen the biggest and most intimidating opponents toppled by clever strategy and willpower. There is no such thing as an unbeatable man, nor an unbeatable army. There is always a way to prevail.

when a million strong army to shall face, to shall see, that certain things are way more simpler.... and when I say a million it's not a quantity, it's a quality. that's what we can present unextended and ready to the battlefield against those 10k barabarians. will see how they will be, when they will see us, taking the horizon.

Finally, when I consider the claim made by some people that beating the elites in a direct confrontation is a “pipe dream”, I have to ask a fundamental question: Why do these people assume we have a choice? I've witnessed some pretty desperate attempts at silver bullet solutions to globalism in my years in the movement, from presidential election campaigns to change a system that cannot be changed from within, to “revolutionary” cryptocurrencies that the banking elites happily invest in and co-opt.

China... that's if you like scale but the few foreigners who seek to take over the kremlin, better have dig their graves...

People misplace their faith in corrupt politicians and the rigged political process, even though they should know better by now. In the final analysis, politics is designed to keep society in stasis, frozen with inaction or fighting in the name of a false leader. Always, when the dust settles the elites escape blame and scrutiny while the public picks up the pieces and tries to understand just what happened. The current chaos surrounding Donald Trump is no different; it is only different in that Trump is a puppet whose job is to appeal directly to liberty activists. For once we're getting recognition, but it's not the good kind...

again who cares, childrapes, 0 investigation... so as no collective army can fonction properly with childrapists in the back... you see when a million men army move, they know the problem is there. or even better they can trust, and know, that we did everything we could in the back, now we can't move forward as long as this problem isn't razed. Like when the little muppets believed they could steal the water from the tibetan sources... you really believed that we were gonna be at the mercy of those? never read any history war logs of China? starting before the unification? I bet, and it's concervative, that all reasons to wage war have been at least been used 2 times in China history ! all, but one, the sky fall !

as said, those western globalists, in our framework are just nutrients...

And while building alternatives to the mainstream system and removing yourself from the grid is a step in the right direction, this alone is only a stop-gap. One day, the establishment will come to take what you have. There is no way around this. Narcopaths are like ravenous parasites feeding on every last morsel of humanity. They take whatever can be taken.

vermins... nutrients... you see the tao is.

The question is, when they come to digest that which you hold precious, how will you respond? Is fighting back impossible, or is it preferable to slavery? Is dying for a better tomorrow a fool's errand, or the only errand we are put on this Earth for? These are questions that need to be answered and answered soon. The time left to ponder them is running out.

structure, symetry, organizations, scale, speed, will and reasons...

we have everything at PLA :), I am sure the foreign legions of PLA will be a great success... :).

source :

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