Why the Shape of the Earth Matters. About Tesla's Tower.


One of the most obvious questions that come up in flat earth discussions (that is not just throwing shit at the other side) is, "why does the shape of the earth matter?"

A similar question when discussing how modern science is wrong, is, "we use it, so why does it matter if the science is wrong?"

This is why we can't have nice things ... why we can't have a Tesla Tower powering the earth.

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There is a weird thing that is rarely brought up in science classes.
That electricity near the ground is different from electricity above our heads.

Ancient text talk about man being between the heavens and the earth.
Unfortunately, we have really mucked up the two terms.

Heaven, to Christians, is a place you go to after you die... if you are good, or good enough, or have asked for forgiveness.
Earth is the planet we live on.

Earth to an electrician is ground. You know that third pin on your extension cords? The grounding pin.
Heaven to a flat earther is the firmament.

But none of these are truly accurate, because our science, and our religion has been mucked with to keep us from knowing the truth.

Our world is very different near the ground than up near the heavens.
And our electrical science is pretty much ground based.
Our electrical system is all ground based. Very few people know what to do with a system that doesn't have a ground.

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Electricians and electronics people all talk about grounding.
And literally it means, having an electrical connection into the ground.
A great big, 6' long (2 meters) copper rod hammered into the ground (soil).

In a house, this grounding rod is connected to the neutral buss.
It goes up to the power pole where it ties to the center of the transformer.
Thus, the transformer puts out 120volts, plus and minus (two phase) around (relative to) ground voltage.

We do this because ground voltage is not the same all over.

If you have one building on this side of the street, and a building on that side of the street, and you ran a wire between them, you do not know what voltage is on that wire. If one building is in shadow and the other in sun, the voltage between the two buildings could be thousands of volts. And yes, it has killed people, and fried electronics. Especially internet routers.

Everything we call electrical, is based on ground based electric science.
And there are others... and few know it. and fewer have tried to look into what happens when you do not ground.

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Many people who try to repeat Tesla's invention try to build a tower that is the exact height of the Warden Cliff Tower. This is because they do not understand electricity, nor the shape of where we live.

Tesla would have made his tower taller if it was feasible.
He even had ideas of having the top held aloft by balloons.

Still, knowing this, no one has copied what Tesla created (the Warden Cliff Tower was the second or third tower Tesla built). They do not know how it works, or what the tower was even for.

So, we need to know two things to build a tower.
How electricity works, in both the low and the high.
And what shape the earth is.

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If the world looks like this:


instead of a ball, electrically it is much different.

A capacitor is two electrically conductive plates, separated by a non-conductive material.
Thinking of heaven and earth, you may think, well that is a capacitor.
And it is.

Tesla's idea was to excite this capacitor with a alternating current.
Then, everywhere inside the capacitor would have this alternating current.
And you just needed an antenna of the correct shape to tap into this energy fluctuations.

What Tesla discovered after his failure at Warden Cliff is that this capacitor is already excited by cosmic forces.

And thus he began working on small devices to tap into this.
He (supposedly) built an electric car that had no batteries, but still drove)
He, later (supposedly) built such a system into a cargo ship.

But, here we sit, poo-pooing the idea of such.
Although several other people have built systems that seem to tap into energy from the air, we call them kooks, because we cannot replicated what they did.

And we cannot do that because or science is buggered, and our understanding of where we stand is screwed.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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