What Are So Many People Missing About 9-11?
Years and decades after it happened, few are aware of the facts. People are still arguing the myth that the MSmockingbirdM wove.
What is even worse is that the terror people felt about the attack has been buried away. It changed America, the people, forever. And it was never dealt with. There was no closure. It is left there festering.
Only those who believe, without any doubt, the story that guys with box cutters hijacked planes and flew them into buildings is true have any relief. Ignorance is truly bliss.
People who know that the official story is bunk, are left with unease of not really knowing the complete story, and watching the villains walk free. No one was held accountable. In fact, it looks like they were paid, very well, for playing their part. And one of those people was the president of The U.S.

We know lots and lots and lots and nothing
The problem with the story of 9-11 being an inside job is that it isn't a story.
If we tried to make a book/movie with all the pieces that we know, it would be a boring, all special-effects show with no plot.
We know people planted bombs / thermite / something-know-one-knows-about, but why? What was their motivation? What kind of person gleefully spends a year drilling holes all over the buildings and putting explosives in them? You have wired the building to blow, yet you go back each and every day to do more? That is not someone with an iron will, that is someone who has no value of life. That is something the normal person has very limited knowledge of. You can't get into the head of an insane person.
People, chose, decided, planned, prepared to kill thousands of people. Thousands of normal, every day people, who's entire crime was to work in the WTC buildings. How could anyone plan that? We are going to make millions of dollars, but we have to wipe out a small town.
There isn't any story here. The plot is to blow up these buildings to hide all our misdeeds and become rich. That is a huge plan, with many moving parts that may fail, for a lack luster end goal. This is going to bomb at the box office.
Unless, your plot is to hit Americans with such a blow to their psyche that they will accept tyranny and curl up into a fetal position. And that is not believable on the silver screen.

The plight of the conspiracy theorist
The biggest problem with conspiracy theories is that they are, as Trump would say it, Yuge. If we ever get an accurate story of what happened that day, it would fill up a small encyclopaedia with dry text. How do you discuss something like that?
When every detractor concentrates on one debunking one thread.
Kerosene (jet fuel) doesn't melt steel beams.
But, with enough Kerosene, for a long enough time, that fire will cause steal to bend and deflect. Both of these are facts. And this argument is what happens when you only focus on one small piece.
Of course, one plane full of kerosene is not enough fuel to heat up one steal beam column to a point where it will fail. Let alone the dozens of them that made the central column. Nor does that leave any fuel to soften up the exterior of the building which was a bunch of welded steal panels that held up the outside of the building. Yes, the outside of the building was a load bearing structure that could have held (did) hold up the building.
And that is just one tiny thread. We haven't even got to the part where we say, Kerosene does not turn steal columns to turn into dust. Because that statement is preposterous, and never before seen.

A small list of what happened that day
- Certain "Nazi" bonds (they came from that era, maybe not Not-C per say) where coming up to expiration and needed to be moved.
- All the gold in the basement disappeared
- Four planes were "hijacked"
- These planes all flew over one spot near a military base, and then flew back to the coast to crash into buildings.
- Most of the NY City's dump trucks were lined up to haul away the debris, before it happened.
- A lot of footage, of the destruction was filmed before, and shown on that day.
- Many meetings, by top executives, getting all their trouble people together, while they attended by telephone.
- The vice president took over NORAD
- The president read a book, about goats, upside down, to a group of school children
- PBS reported on the destruction of building 7 before it fell down.
- Reporters were out interviewing reporters just when the "planes crashed"
- The day before, it was announced that billions of dollars was missing from the pentagon…
- but a "plane" flew straight into the pentagon and wiped out the specific file cabinet that had all the data about that.
- Two very large, steel framed, buildings turned to dust. A first
- A third, steel framed, building fell down from only a small fire. The third EVER.
- Another building, WTC 5 was missing its middle. It had a large hole cut into it from top to bottom. Leaving desks just sitting undisturbed, on the edge.
- "Dancing IsReal?ies" in front of a truck with a mural of exploding towers.
- A plane crashed into a field, and completely disintegrated. Not even jet engines left.
This is not a complete list. And, if you read all that, you can see why this would never make a good movie. All these pieces are meaningless. We have no narrative, no story, no motivation, that believably ties it all together.

The biggest problem is that America was never given a good story. With a good story, you know what happened, or at least, you believe like most other people. You agree on a story. You know what happened and why.
So, here we are, decades later, and all we can do is bury it in our psyches. We do not have closure, instead we have a gaping wound that can be poked to get us to respond. Usually in a way to get us to accept more tyranny.
We accept being poked and prodded (humiliation rituals) to get aboard a plane.
We accept wars being started in countries where we never should have been.
But what do we do about all of this? What can we do?
We, as individuals cannot go and question the president, the VP, NY city executives about what happened. And they wouldn't tell us. Is torture an option? Or in doing so, do we just get more lies?
We cannot even prosecute these people.
We haven't all turned away from the MSmockingbirdM. But more and more are.
After that building 7 fiasco, no one should have watched or listened to PBS. PBS should only exist in history books. But it didn't go away, it is still reporting very biased and censored news.
We don't even know what happened. None of the theories perfectly match. We don't know what turns steal beams to dust. We don't know so many things.
Especially, we do not know, the real motivations of those who conspired to do this.
It would be very nice if we could heal this hole in America.
But first, we would all have to admit that we were hoodwinked, bamboozled, psyop'd. And that is a hard first step.
If we accept that, then we have to deal with even larger issues like, "the govern-cement did this." Where does that leave us? Can we fix govern-cement? Are there really just bad apples or is the structure rotten to the core?
Could America decide to get rid of the govern-cement? Would we replace it? Could we leave just the crater and say we never needed it?
We will see.

I don't think so on this one. I'll vote for it because of free speech but I had premonitions that were accurate in advance only I did not read or understand the vision correctly.
I did understand the vision very well after I parked in truck stop for three days on three separate occasions that looked across the water towards the 🗽, where they had been and delved deep into the vision where it came from.
No I don't think so.
T-72 is what I called that vision because it occurred 72 hours before the attack.
I did not realize how blue the water was in New York and several other things like that.