The Most Important Thing To Do Right Now Is Find Your Tribe
Mr. Orange Man will do nothing that really fixes the system. He can't.
I can only show you the door, you are the one who has to walk through it
Each person must leave the control grid by their own volition. The chains are not outside you, but in your mind.
But, the control grid uses every fear tactic and every word salad to keep trapped and doing their bidding.
If we choose to stop obeying the police, they are gone. They are a tiny minority. If even 3% turn against them, they will be all gone within a day.
If 3% decided to stop paying the Infernal Revolting Syndicate, there is nothing they can do about it. Not enough people. However, since they control the banks/are the banks, they can take their money out of your account. (This makes owning bitcoin even more important)
All of this can be done by an individual, but there is only so much an individual can do. What we will need for the next step is to find those like us. To find people who will work with us and have our backs. To find our tribe, our "family"

Cities are dangerous places
I wish it was just the people with TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome), but, they are only one outcropping of the rocks that your ship will be dashed upon.
You see, those people behind the MSmockingbirdM have plans to scare people into accepting confinement. And they have lots of plans, with lots of actors. There are at least 5 "armies" set and waiting to bring your quiet city life to an end.
The burning down of N. Los Angles was just one of many attacks to come. (if you look into it, it was obviously planned. From reservoirs being empty, to insurance pulling out just days before, to the mayor going on vacation…)
Businesses are being shut down. Workers are being laid off. People are already living on credit cards. The beatings will continue until moral improves. People will be becoming more and more desperate.
At the same time, food is becoming more and more scarce. So many supermarket shelves are just a thing veneer of stock. And when the food riots start, it will all be gone in a blink of an eye. And it may not come back. people in those cities will have to rely on military rations being handed out from the back of military vehicles. And, you know there will be strings attached. Like, you must get on that truck and move to a FEMA camp, or worse. Ration cards will come out.
In other cities, or other parts of your city, gangs will take over. (how you have military on the streets over here, and some hoodlums with guns over their taking over the city, will be very awkward to explain later.)
Of course i expect them to take their time squeezing the people more. They aren't desperate enough yet. So, i expect to see "immigrant" gangs military show up and start hitting weak points. I expect bugz to be added to diets. I expect another scamdemic. (which might be really real this time)
Things will get dangerous, and food will get scarce.

Food independence makes you very independent
Growing everything you need to eat is actually kinda difficult. However, with a group of people, it becomes a lot easier. It is not that growing enough food is particularly challenging, but growing all the types of things is difficult.
Growing cows, pigs, sheep, goats, rabbits, chickens, ducks and quails is a pain. So much to work on, so many different pens to build, so many different feeds to acquire, and just all around takes a bunch more time.
But, if one person raises cows, another sheep, and so on, then it is actually very easy work each day.
So, finding the small community that you fit in with should be priority #1.
Because, when you, and all your friends, grow their own food, then they are very independent. Being able to avoid all the carrots the govern-cement will use to get you into FEMA camps will go a long way towards survival. (If you don't want no donuts, you won't be tricked by jabbers offering donuts)

Let go of the old life, let go of the programming
One of the biggest programs that destroys our brains is "this is what its like to be rich"
The Card-ass-ians / Andrew Tater are both people who show "how to be rich". They never show anything real about building a business or about the real network that is behind these groups that allow for all of this. And so, all that people see is being rich means expensive cars and expensive trips and expensive homes.
Basically this is just the ToysRUs catalog for adults. And it is just to make you unhappy with where you are. All those things that you don't have, and can probably never get.
All the night life, all the high times, it sucks people into the cities, and drags them down into the abyss. Mires them in mud, not allowing them to ever break free.
Most city dwellers cannot imagine living without the conveniences of grocery stores and restaurants. And, even when the stores are running out of food and the restaurants are closing, people cling to what has been, and believe things will return to normal.
We have been programmed by movies and TV to think that the city life is the future. Forget the past. Color the past with a dark brush. Tell how it was so bad and hard. Do not say things like your grandparents had a years supply of food, and didn't owe any debts. Show them hoeing rows by hand, working in the hot sun.
It is all a lie. Give up all the programming you got from the TV and movies. Start to see what is ahead of you.

It is great to get yourself a homestead. It is better to find the people you feel are a part of your tribe. The people you feel at home being around.
There will be so many technologies coming out that no one person will be able to keep up with it. And, you will find yourself more interdependent on your new "family".
You will find your new life easier and easier. No need to worry about paying the electric bill, or the water bill, or so many of the things we concern our "modern" lives with.
So many things change, in a deep structural way that we used to rely upon, and expected to be there for our old age, will just evaporate, while new things come onto the stage.
The stock market, and even stocks will just disappear. Evil corporations have no room in our new lives. But even so, saving for retirement will be so much easier. And will flow naturally as new generations are born into our "family"
Roads, cars, tires, gasoline???
Roads? Where we're going we don't need roads.