The Most Important Election of Our Lives - And it really doesn't matter who wins


The Repulsivekins and Dumbocraps are more polarized than i have ever seen them.

And people are so keyed up about the results that many are breaking the law to make sure their side wins.

The thing is, the side that wins, will be blocked in congress by the side that loses. Nothing will really change by which side gets elected.

Even if you believe Trump is part of the white hats, and is helping military courts bring to trial many people who are truly evil, like Epstein and Diddy. If there are white hats, these trials will go on no matter who is in the White House.

And if you are concerned about election fraud, then a Horrible Harris win is what you want. 40 of 50 states will tear apart their voting system after that, and (hopefully) build them back with audit-ability and transparency in counting built in.

Things are changing. And these things will continue changing, no matter who gets elected. This election, at best, will speed things up a little. At worst, it will push off the changes for four more years.

However, i must note that historian will write about this as "So and so got elected, and thus … all these things happened"

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Whoever gets in, will not change much

The only bills that will be passed are those that the shadowy cabal pay both sides to pass. Everything else will be blocked, buried, or turned into horrible frankenstein's monsters.

The interesting thing is that with things so polarized, the shadowy cabal might not be able to get certain legislation passed. Now, wouldn't that be funny?

Things like "we need to funnel more money to Big Pharma" bill may be blocked because of the fierce fighting in congress, as well as the anger towards Big Pharma bubbling up. It just makes it too hard to have a "fair and honest" paid for vote.

So, from a passing laws perspective, whoever wins will not change much.

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The Empire will Fall

…because the dominoes are already falling.

The world is balkanizing. People are going to be moving to find their people. Cluster into their groups. And the lines on the map will not stop them.

The empires of the world aren't held together by anything. They used to be held together by a shared vision and military might. But, both of these are falling apart. (a thousand geeks will make more/better drones then the DoD; Hong Kong was winning with students and laser pointers)

So, whoever wins this election in The US, will just propel the other side to move away faster. There is no one running that is working towards keeping America together.

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The only real thing happening now is the light has been turned on

We are seeing the evil that has shaped our govern-cement for so long.
This is not because either party is good, or even neutral, it is because a light has been turned on, and now we see the politi-roaches scurrying to find shadows to hide in.

We will get rid of corruption because it will just be to glaringly obvious. (i hope that much of the clean up is motivated by good people for good ends, however, much of the big stuff will just have to be shut down, even by the bad guys, because it is too blatant)

Every part of our lives will get this light shown in on it. Each individual will need to clean up their own lives. Collectively, we will need to clean up our institutions. And, for the most part, all we have to do is stop supporting them.

The DMV can be put out of business in a second if everyone just stops registering their cars. It can also be put out of business if we move registration to the block chain. After all, all we really want is a way to prove to others that it is our car.

Big Pharma is going to be put out of business when the evilness of their actions is exposed. Do you go to the pharmacy when it is shown that all they are doing is giving out poison? However, it is not just this, but it is also the rise of natural-remedies, that will be shown to be super-effective.

So, this election will not be that important. No matter who gets elected, the light will continue to get brighter, and evil will have no where to hide.

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Let me describe the future.

The young are seeing the old people fight, and they are sick of it.

A huge reason that nothing gets done well by govern-cements is the infiltration of evil into the system. After that evil is removed, things will work so much better.

After that, we will have a movement where we recognize other groups (mental positions) base desires, and will work at ways to get each groups needs met.

Things like abortion, which is the highest Democrat concern right now, will be handled, not by banning it, but by removing the reasons behind it. "Bad Boys" will not be allowed in the small communities for one. Another is that all pregnancies will be treated with respect and awe. The mothers-to-be will be well taken care of. Coupling/partnering will not be a process where it is the couple against the world (and govern-cement courts that make money off the divorce), there will be a lot of support for maintaining the relationship. And the piece that will probably scare women of today, the baby will not be considered the mother's. It will be considered part of the community. And so, will be supported if the father dies or the mother flees. In this way, abortion will just go away because the reasons for it are taken care of.

And this will be how many other aspects of contention today will be handled.

In the future, each faction in congress will stand up and sing an uplifting song, praising the other factions in congress.

Yes, it will be that different.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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