The Military, BigPharma, Virology Labs, Govern-cement and the MSM Teamed Up To Poison Everyone


That all these companies and agencies worked together is of no doubt. They all read from the same script, and they all continued on script even when things weren't going right. And they all quashed any descent in the same way.

From this evidence, they are each complicit.

So, what do we do about this? What can we do about this?
The govern-cement agencies that were supposed to protect us, instead told us that the poison was safe, and insisted on everyone taking it.
The media who was supposed to be non-biased, and was relied on to give us accurate information, was more biased then most could imagine, and they ALL told the same lie.

What can you do when you realize that all these groups are not for you, but are complicit in seeking your death?

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I am writing this today because i saw Bret Weinstein's interview with Tucker Carlson. I was appalled that such an intelligent person could miss such blatant conspiration. That this was all cooked up by BigPharma to push mRNA drugs around testing and people's natural resistance to new thing.

This was a much bigger operation then just the pharma companies.

Fraudchi and Obomba at Wuhan? Sure looks like it.


And if so, this plan has been going on for that long, and included presidents and several countries.

Then we have the dates of manufacture on Covaids-test kits that are before the scamedemic started.

So much lies, so much deception.
If you look into it, there are just mountains of evidence showing that this thing was all planned out.

(and there is also so much misinformation everywhere that it is hard to know what to believe)

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Lets assume that the conspiracy theory is correct, what then?

What can any individual person appropriately react to Big Pharma, the FDA, the WHO, the Military, MSM and even the president working together to destroy them?

Unfortunately, there isn't much an individual can do against this group.

The best things:

  • Post memes - Weirdly, this seems to be the best way to wake people up and find kindred spirits.
  • Separate yourself as much as you can from govern-cement. (they really are out to get you)
  • Build a homestead, grow your own food. They are trying to poison you, protect yourself by knowing where your food comes from.
  • Realize that there are beings so evil that they consider forced deadly injections as a thing to do.

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The future - the after effects of the VAXXX

The VAXXX is slowly killing people. Those who haven't mostly got the stuff out of their system will die. It is just a matter of time.

What people will start noticing is that they are losing their minds. (as blood flow is reduced to the brain from clots and scar tissue) And more people are dying, enough that everyone knows at least one, that were VAXXXed, and died. These two add up to many people becoming outraged at the system that scared them into taking the VAXXX.

TV news reporters who pushed the VAXXX will be targeted. They will get body guards, but soon, the body guards will give up, as they cannot handle the numbers of people demanding justice. There will not be a safe place on earth for the purveyors of the VAXXX.

Doctors and nurses will be targetted. "You killed my daughter/husband/son/wife…" will be a common refrain heard in hospitals.

BigPharma will die a horrible death as no one trusts them anymore. And their employees will be harassed. Their CEOs will never find a safe place on this earth.

There will not be much for us VAXXX-free people to do, except to clean up the bodies. And, unfortunately, there will be a lot of bodies. We really need to start building mobile crematoria, or something.

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We will see a new era of homoeopathy. Allopathic (rock-e-person snake-oil medicine) will become almost verboten. People will really turn against the old system that killed so many.

The MSM will be destroyed as most of the mouth pieces are deceased, and no one listens to them anyway.

So many systems crash as there is nobody left who supports them.

But this is the way of things in the Age of Aquarius. The awakening knowledge exposes the evil that exists. And then, people stop supporting that evil. We clean it up.

Fraudchi, Billy Gatez, etc, are just the face men. We will want to expose every person who worked on developing this evil depopulation plan.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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