Really! Get Out of the Cities! Find a Place Where You Can Have a Garden
Things are really starting to heat up in the cities, no, literally. You have all seen the destruction in Maui. You have also seen the pile up of human feces in San Francisco. RV cities in Los Angles.
Looting is up so much that Komifornia is trying to pass a law that it is illegal to stop a shop lifter.
Cities, especially ones in neo-liberal states, are going to shit.
And worse, they will soon become food deserts and then prisons.
Shopping in an open store is a luxury that can no longer be afforded.

Lock downs
TPTshouldn'tB are putting out the warning signs that they are going to lock down again for the new virus.
If you are in a city, this is going to be doubly bad. You will either be locked down even harder, and the mask patrol will be out in force. There are signs that the mother WEFers are trying to engineer an excuse to bring in the national guard.
The rest of the small businesses will be destroyed. Sit down restaurants will be a thing of the past.
They are already advertising all of this. "And you will be happy"

Fires from above = 15 minute cities
The fires in Maui that burnt all the houses but didn't burn the leaves are just the latest of that sort. Happened all over the coast of California. Same weird "forest" fires that only burned the houses, to the ground, not leaving a stove or refrigerator.
Further, all the areas where BLM had their "mostly peaceful" protests were all in areas where the city had plans for reclaiming the land/reconstruction.
There are rumors, and actual stories of plans to build new 15 minute cities... and these places seem to match exactly where things are going burnt-down.

Reduction of meat consumption to 0%
The mother WEFers are having 20 cities enact a reduction in meat policy.
Where they want to get the consumption of meat down to 0%.
But, that is just their goal, they will except you eating less than one hot dog a day.
These major cities which are said to be on board with this are also the places where food supplies are getting squeezed, and more bugs are hitting the shelves.
In these cities, it is quite difficult to source your food from any place other that the grocery stores. So, if you are in one of these big cities, you are really at their mercy.

Get out of New York, especially New York City
Tsunamis are heading to New York. Definitely a financial one, maybe also an ocean one.
There are few ways off the island. If you are in New York City, get out before the 22nd. At least be on vacation at that time. If any of these foreseen events transpire, NY City denizens are going to be in a world of hurt.
It will be "Escape From New York" the live action event, where what will stop you is the other denizens. Millions of people could starve, just from a hiccup in supply. And there will be nothing anyone can do. Just cannot move that many people.
I hope that aid actually comes instead of aid being barred like it has been in Maui.

Everything we liked about cities is going, going, gone.
The jobs, the stores, the meetups, the activities.
TPTshouldn'tB want everyone corralled into tight cities for easy control.
And they have plans to lock them all down.
Get out while the getting is good.
Find a place where you can grow food and chickens and kids.