Mr. Schwab Is Going Insane. Watch as the WEF falls apart


Mr. Schwab might be afraid of the backlash being caused by people waking up, but that doesn't mean they will stop with their plans.

Blackrock may be selling off failing real estate, (or just dumping a great big building on the people that funded them) but they aren't ceasing their operations to buy up everything in certain areas.

Most suspect it is for 15 minute cities.
But, do we really have any idea what those mother WEFers are planning?

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I find it interesting that BlackStone is systematically buying up certain areas.

They are supposed to be an investment firm, but really, they are a financial arm of the WEF, the asset holding arm of the Federal Reserve Bank. The Fed can't really hold any assets, so another corporation, that gets sweetheart loans from the Fed does all the buying for them.

This is not supposed to happen. The anti-trust laws. The separation of banks and investing. The interconnectedness between the Fed and BlackRock. All of that is supposed to not happen.

But, here we are. Bad people doing bad things.

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Mr. Schwab and group have been planning the going direct reset.

You see, the dollar has to collapse, has to be reset. When the interest/inflation starts going parabolic, people lose faith in it, and it collapses. So, it has to be reset before that happens. (or after, if you want the crash)

The mother WEFers have been itching to have a digital currency that they completely control. They salivate over the control this will give them. Anyone gets uppity, then turn off their money. But, even more than that, they can impose negative interest rates. (you lose money, actually, instead of inflation losing money the non-controlled way)

They want complete control over all the money. And the only way that happens is for there to only be a few banks left, and for them to control and manage them all. (so, watch for more bank failures)

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Mr. Schwab and company are losing their minds.

People are actually starting to see through their plans, and working to take down their systems.

Actually, it the energy of the new epoch. The age of Aquarius. The energy does not support these old systems that are built on lies and deception. The light of truth will shine through them. We will have transparency. (whether they like it or not)

So, all of the old institutions are going to collapse. BigBanks, BigPharma, BigAg, BigMedia
And it is nothing we are really doing. It is just that the energies now do not support them.

What is up to us is building new institutions that help humanity instead of destroy it. Mr. Schwab will really hate that. People are supposed to stay under his control, and look up to him as the guy just under the master.

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The mother WEFers are dying, and they are scared. Their secrets are being exposed. Their tunnels are being found.

And scared people do very irrational things. We are talking about people with a lot of money, and a lot of power, so expect much, big temper tantrum.

Have food and water stored. A month of reserve will really help.

Have cash, silver and crypto. Each one has its use at different times.

Stay out of the way of the dinosaur flopping in its death throws. Do not needlessly get smooshed. Fighting them is not necessary.

The MSM is going to go insane. They will start saying things that… basically, they will contradict themselves in the same segment. Ignore them, and find real sources of info. Find real friends in various locals to keep you up to date on what is happening. (do you know how many people do not know what is happening in Texas at the border?)

And laugh at Mr. Schwab as he goes insane.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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