It's Coming Faster Than I Expected


Mortgage - a mashup of French words. Morte = death, Gage - paper/note = IOU

That this concept even exists is abhorrent!
We should be stringing banksters up on lampposts, not accepting that getting a mortgage to get a house is just standard operating procedures.

Fortunately mortgages are going away.
Unfortunately mortgages are going away.

  • Small, then medium, banks collapse
  • Mortgages offered only through a handful of banks
  • Qualifying becomes stricter, much stricter.
  • Increases in insurance makes it impossible to keep up the insurance requirement on the mortgage
  • Insurance companies will decide where houses can be sold. It is already happening.
  • Layoffs will make it tougher to keep qualification for getting a mortgage.

The banksters are trying to play a game where they shake out all the hands (all of them. Weak, strong, diamond) and then buy up everything with printed money. This will come along with destroying the old currency and introducing a new currency. And, the banksters believe that they will just own everything, and you will be fine with renting the rest of your life.

Unfortunately for these banksters, the world has turned against them. The Earth itself no longer supports the type of structures their evil likes to inhabit. It all comes crashing down. We will see banksters leaping out of windows.

And then, the people start waking up to how much of a scam the Fed has been. After that, the normal people will hunt these guys down and dig up their bunkers.

The ending is pretty much set in stone, err… concrete.

However, i will try to layout what i can about the in between time.

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Insurance Companies are making it impossible to sell.

In Florida, an HOA of a Condo had to replace the roof, or lose their insurance.
So, the HOA did this, and then charged all the members a portion of that cost.
Members who can't afford that and the mortgage can't even sell their condo, because the housing market is crashing, and the insurance rates are climbing.

The area of N. Los Angles that burned, had many insurance cancellations just before the fire started. Extremely suspicious, that. However, even if it was just a coincidence, people aren't being able to rebuild because there is no money for it. No one is lending money for rebuilding, and no one is insuring those soon to be projects.

Insurance companies are saying that it is just for risk management, however, they are picking selected areas in which to offer insurance. Making those abandoned areas to face devastation. No insurance means no mortgage. And this means, only people with cash can buy the houses.

Thus the pool of people that can buy a house in these areas is Black Rock, because they can self fund and self insure.

(and a few investors who had held cash, or crypto investors that find themselves crypto rich)

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Layoffs, so many layoffs

One of the "cornerstones" of being able to get a mortgage is to have a good, stable job.

Well, the banksters have destroyed that. Making the economy such that a good job is few and far between. That is what happens when you tighten money to companies who need to borrow the float to make payroll and such.

So many large name stores are closing locations. Many are just filing bankruptcy. The big automakers are acting like they want to bury themselves.

And then Musk / D.O.G.E. is running through bureaus cutting positions left and right.

We haven't even gotten to the hordes of paper pushers that are going to be replaced by AI.

Basically, having a good, well paying job, will be something only the luck few have. This funnels straight into how many people can get a mortgage. The amount of mortgage applications today is at record lows. They will be worse in the future as banksters increase the requirements. (almost like this is all planned)

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Getting rid of all the competition

The banksters who own/control the Fed don't want any competition. And now that they have computers and digital ledgers, they no longer need all those little banks taking what is rightfully theirs. They feel they do not need to pay the little guys anymore.

So, all the little banks are going to fold. As car loans and home mortgages defaults go up, these little banks will be forced to file bankruptcy. (even if they are perfectly solvent.)

Then the dominoes fall and start to take out the medium sized banks. Who all get bought up. (often without the bank's knowledge or approval)

There will be so many houses and cars on the market that the prices would crash, but you have to add the lack of mortgages into that equation too. House prices are going to REALLY crash. 10¢ on the dollar will probably be normal.

People with their money held up in bank foreclosures/buy-outs will not be able to do anything about the incredible deals.

And so, this is where Black Rock (with a carefully disguised shell company) comes in and buys up everything in certain areas.

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All of this is planned by the banksters. However, they are forgetting so much about human nature. And they can't even comprehend the mass spiritual awakening that is happening.

When the social contract is broken, there is no desire to pay for mortgages. And property that is owned by the EVIL banks is up for grabs. There will be so many empty houses that people will just move in.

The thing is, when financial depression destroys your community, well that also gets rid of the police, and the courts, which are what the banksters count on to keep their property as their property.

This time will not be nice. It will not be "hurray, i now have no mortgage", instead it will be a dog eat dog city. Where keeping your house is by you being able to hold it. Few are going to keep up the neighborhood. Everything is going to go to shit.

The smart people are going to move out to small cities, or to way rural property and start their own homestead. And then more people are going to join them as each find their own tribes.

The cities, the acres of suburban tract housing will be left abandoned.

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This all happens slowly. But don't let yourself be deluded that the train crash is not happening.

This blog is to get your mind set for a time without mortgages. Our entire life, we have believed that 30 year mortgages where the normal. That it is just what you did to get a house.

It is hard to remove something from the way you think. But, that is what is going to be upon us.

  • The entire block of borrowing money form the banks to buy things… gone.
  • The block of memory that thinks "i will just put that on the credit card"… gone.
  • The idea of getting money out of the ATM… well, it is already gone, like getting money from the teller is
  • Wall Street will only exist in pictures, just like the wall that used to be there that failed

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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