Bitcoin Vs the Banksters - We Know How This Ends… But How Do We Get There?
Block-chain based crypto-currencies have won over old bank ledgers. It is just that much more efficient. And it comes at a time where banks are really looking into new ways to replace their dinosaur software systems.
The question today, is if bitcoin is going to win vs banks.
The near future of crypto is not sure.
Bitcoin could be bought up by all the rich people, and then it will appear like nothing changed. The rich own/control everything, its just that they use bitcoin instead of banks. And there are lots of people afraid of this outcome.
Another crypto (like XRP) is adopted by the banks, and then we basically have a world divided between bitcoin and XRP. It would be nice if these two just run as parallel economies, where people could choose one or the other, however there will probably be quite a few exchanges or DEXs in between.
There could arise such an anger against banks, and banksters. Like, people suddenly wake up and think, "Audit the Fed", it will be a peaceful, but mostly fiery auditing, where no file is left untouched, no desk left unturned, no person left in the building, no stone, in that building left in the position it was found. Audit them to the ground! This is the kind of auditing that may happen. And then, after that, banksters will be considered destroy on sight, and we will work on a crypto something(s) systems to replace what is now gone.
Bitcoin could become the "stable coin" which everything is linked back to. Bitcoin barely moves, but everything is priced in bitcoin. Most people use Doge and Litecoin. But there are enough DEXs that it doesn't really matter. And things kinda evolve faster than banksters can understand or keep up with. Basically, everyone leaves the banking system, like water leaves a colander. Banks found themselves empty, devoid of people, like the NYSE floor is today.
So what is the future of bitcoin?
What will our future monetary system look like?
Which future is the one you are hoping for?

The future of money
I can tell you what the far future looks like. That is actually quite easy, logical, and stable.
But the near term, it is very chaotic. We have evil doing everything they can to hold onto power, but really they are trying to hold all the water in a colander.
In the far future, we don't really use money. But it really isn't what we think. Even our SciFi isn't close.
Money is a marker, a tally system, where you can see who is adding production / value to the world. In the future, you can just see that by the energy of a person you are dealing with. Also, in the future, most people are quite self sufficient. Tech and the way of life make this possible. And a person knows to balance-dly give to others. Never over-extending, never not asking for enough. It is a level our gurus of today can barely reach. And everyone will be at that level.
And we do not get there by just giving up money.
In the near future, we will work at throwing off the banks(ters) and ending their skimming, stealing, enslaving ways.
In the further future, we will have a money that… comes into being when a person creates an object that someone else wants. It then gets spent, to replenish the creator. And disappears when the creator is made whole. Or basically, a super-advanced barter system. In this way, there is always enough money to buy things. And money is never hoarded, it can't be hoarded. So, there is never too little money, nor too much money.
And, like i said, further in the future, we just skip this step, and seemingly use no money.

Discussing near future
But we aren't there, we aren't even close to there.
I know only a handful of people who actually work on future money systems.
Almost everything now, is just a digital replacement of dollars. Bitcoin, litecoin, Monero, Doge, BCash…
This is where we are, and our future is to stop allowing banks(ters) from skimming, stealing and debt slavery.
First thing is to stop the printing presses. No more counterfeiting, by banks, banksters, politicians, or anyone else.
The next thing is to make as easy as possible payment to anyone, anywhere.
And yes, bitcoin & lightning network could do this. However, i think that the richer people, or early adopters, are going to work out that bitcoin is important much faster. And then the majority of people are going to come into the system and buy litecoin or Doge (because bitcoin is $1 million a piece) and so, the network, and DEXs are going to build up as more people enter. There will be a few crypto winners, and most of the crypto-coins are just going to disappear.

Banks and banksters lose
I wish that everyone would wake up think, "Today, i am going to focus on auditing the Fed".
But i doubt that, however, we only need about 3-5% or the people to have a real revolution.
Most people will just switch over to cryptos because it is easier, cheaper, safer… It may be bank closures or runs that cause this. Or that Wester Union costs a ton, and Doge doesn't, to send money to a foreign country. Or like all the kids today seem to be born with a smartphone in their hands, the next generation will use crypto, because that is just better. "Why would you bother opening a bank account? That is stupid and dumb. So slow, such waste of time".
Bitcoin may be at the heart of this. However, it will go away if it becomes bankster controlled.
However, the rich who are getting into bitcoin now may be part of the 3% that cause the revolution. The rich, trying to preserve their wealth, all shift into bitcoin and defend it. However, the bankster's world lives by bribing people with money they print, and without that 'free money' their graft and black mail become too expensive to keep up. And so, the bankster system slits their own throats, because they are too afraid of losing their money.
Unfortunately, i believe that we are in for a bumpy ride. But, how do you get the sheep to move, if there isn't any pain? There will be bank closures, along with more people learning that "auditing the Fed" is a time that has come. People will hate banksters, and want to leave that system. While people also find how easy cryptos are to use.
And, just like that, the banksters are gone.