Bitcoin go up! Suburban Housing Go DOWN, Down, down, foop.
Everything is going to zero, compared to Bitcoin. - Max Keiser
Or is it that everything else is in a bubble that is about to pop?
Or is it the boom/bust cycle that is created by the Fed/money printing?
Well, if it was just bitcoin being adopted, then the price of things would go to a certain number of satoshis and then just stay fairly stable. So they are not going to zero (although a satoshi is pretty much zero right now) they are finding their value. Market forces at work.
But, there seems to be classes of things that are going to zero.
And bitcoin is only helping.

The Everything Bubble
How much of everything is in the everything bubble?
Every financial instrument that is tied to the dollar. All of Exter's Pyramid.
And then every physical thing that is considered in investment, like housing / property.
All of these things are propped up, inflated, by money printing. And that means, they are going to seriously fall in price as that "money" becomes worthless. BUT! the cost of all those physical items start being priced in something else. "Somethings" to consider are gold and bitcoin. (other cryptos will be part of the adoption, but i do not know if they will be part of the repricing. Silver will be more about actual demand for silver manufacturing, and not monetary exchange)

The Housing Bubble
House prices have been soaring the past years. They had stopped near the beginning of this year, and now they are falling slowly. Slowly because people are reluctant to lower the price of their home for sale.
All of this soaring was due to really low interest rates, and really easy financing. Which have both gone away. These have caused house prices to more than double within a few years, so without them, the price should drop in half, at least. (we are no where close to those kinds of corrections yet)
But these words are only useful if everything else about the real estate market stayed the same.
I do not believe that housing market is in a bubble, it is more of an institution that is now dead. House prices are about to become so low, that free, will be a step up.
Demographics - the boomers are moving into retirement homes or mortuary plots. And they own 25% of the homes. That is 25% of the homes about to be on the market.
All Causes Mortality - The VAXXX is dangerous, and it is a ticking time bomb. More people will be filling graveyards. Some people extrapolate on the current rate, that we will have more dead than we are able to deal with. This is, at minimum, andother 25% of homes that will be vacant.
Cities are no longer places to be - As more stores close. As more restaurants close. As more of the big corporations lay off people. As jobs diminish. Cities are going to be places where only those who lacked the ability to get out live. Cities are doomed, and the surrounding suburbs are equally doomed. If no one wants to live there, no one is buying houses.
Commercial Real Estate - All those big office buildings without tenants, are going to be converted into living spaces. They have to try. They have to try to save their investments. Since there are no businesses to rent them, they will try to rent them to people as living spaces. Unfortunately, instead of saving their investments, it is going to cost them more money, and drive down housing prices faster.
No More Mortgages - All the banks are dying. The few giant banks that will survive will be very picky about who they lend to and where. A houses price will no longer be determined by how big a mortgage a person can afford, it will be determined by how much cash they have available.
In the future, we will see entire suburbs vacant of people.
The suburban real estate market is not in a bubble that the market will recover after it pops, this basically is the beginning of the end of the market. Just the demographics shift is enough to destroy it. (Can you imagine 1 in 4 houses with a for sale sign?) But, there are many other forces that will just make it, like i have said before, Free will be a step up.

This is sad because what most people would do if they suddenly became crypto rich, is to buy their dream home. And if your dream home is in the suburbs, well, you are just throwing your bitcoin away.
(If you can afford the expenditure, like you are not selling/trading all of your crypto, then it may be a good place to put it. A good expenditure. Think of it like rent. You are paying for a place to stay in the right now.)
Realize that this world is changing. And really changing.
Most people believe that the bubbles are going to pop, and then the market will clear things out, and we will go back to more normal valuations. However, if you are making real future plans, this will be a type of thinking that will put you in a really bad future.
Things are not coming back. Things are not going back to normal.
And suburban housing is a big one of those things. The national automobile slum, and its misallocation of resources, is catching up to us. This type of housing does not serve us. In fact, is bad for humans. It is bad for families. And it is time we start working with things that work for us.
So, bitcoin go up.
Suburban Housing go down, down, further down, completely disappears