As You Tighten Your Grip, The More Star Systems Will Slip Through Your Fingers
Many people are worried that the value of their bitcoin will go to zero, because
- govern-cement outlaws bitcoin, and controls the internet to stop transactions
- The internet will be destroyed, and most people will not have electricity.
- EMPs will wipe out all the computers on earth (or at least your computer)
- People found trading in bitcoin will be executed on sight.
- Any number of apocalyptic scenarios
Of course, we are in the Age of Aquarius; the time of apocalypse; The time of great unveiling.
So, it is only natural that some of us will think these thoughts and try to plan for them

The Force behind CBDCs
The mother WEFers want power. They want to control where you go and what you do. They do not want you doing anything dangerous to their power.
These mother WEFers want CBDCs so bad they can taste it.
But, what does this mean to bitcoin?
Spring-boarding off Bitcoin is the best way to sell CBDCs.
However, bitcoin is the biggest danger to the mother WEFers control.
Tricky situation.
But, we know how this ends.
Either the mother WEFers already own/control bitcoin, and it IS the CBDC,
or the mother WEFers will outlaw bitcoin and execute anyone caught trading it.
Yep, that sounds like their plan... but will it work?

Taking Out the Internet
Even in China, the place that has the tightest restrictions on internet access. Controlling absolutely all data that goes into and out of the country, people still get information through.
Psychopaths aren't very smart, and aren't inventive at all.
Govern-cement is always reacting, and are usually several steps behind the bleeding edge of technology. So, they put up barriers that people just walk around.
So, the mother WEFers have two options.
Shut down the internet and face all the enraged mobs who are missing their dopamine fix or let the internet continue and play whack-a-mole trying to stop bitcoin transactions.
Of course, the mother WEFers may try the nuclear option. Send everyone back to 1900s technology. Blow up everything. However, this really puts a crimp in their plans. They need the internet and computers, else they have no chance of controlling everyone. (This is what IBM was formed for)
And the biggest problem with destroying/stopping the internet is that humanity knows what it is. Thus, when it is gone, people will recreate it. We may go back to BB (bulletin boards) interconnected by various radio connections and salvaged / dark fiber connections.
Or, ... not or, it is inevitable. We will create a world wide wireless internet. Maybe with ground based radio waves, or crystaline matrix lines, or maybe we will learn to tap straight into the galactic internet and start using it.
The internet is important to humanity and will exist in the future.

When the White Market Doesn't Exist
Govern-cement has not been able to stop anything. The police cannot stop the drug trade, in fact, you usually find that they are in on it. So why would people consider them capable of stopping something real from being traded?
Anything that has enough worth will find its way to the buyer. The market will provide. It is a law of the universe.
And, if bitcoin is the dominant coin of the world, and internet is restricted, we will find black markets with their own lightning nodes running. And if privacy is an issue in the future, than it will be done in such a way that nothing is traceable. The tiny markets that pop up, will have a way to exchange whatever is considered "money" I have seen such places exist on bits of paper the show starter printed out. No, really, it was a barter market place, and they had slips of paper used to aid in barter exchanges.
Thinking about the future, it is so easy to imagine Targét going out of business. (already being boycotted today...) It is so easy to imagine all the stores we get stuff from today going away. However, it is difficult to imagine a new, different way of setting up "thing" to facilitate trade.
But we have enough examples, from neighbors trading milk for eggs, to B2B exchanges, where you get in touch with the factory directly.
And in the future, we will trade between groups of people called "Family" who specialize in manufacturing something to trade. These groups will maintain meticulous records of trade to balance out the energy (of people) flows.
Things will not stay the same, and that makes people uncomfortable. We will grow into new and better ways of exchange.