Are We Living In A Simulation?
There is a interesting theory that we are living in a simulation. Maybe, we are just a brain in a jar, hooked up to a lot of electrical inputs. Or maybe, we are all in god's computer, and think we are alive, until god returns from getting coffee and reboots the server.
There is all kinds of evidence that supports this. Like, the universe has lazy rendering. Meaning, it doesn't render things unless it is actually being looked at. (See extensions of the double slit experiment) Atoms aren't there, unless someone is trying to interact with them. A tape filled with random beeps doesn't have anything on it until someone listens to it.
All of these things are things a game programmer uses to make their game run faster without affecting game play.
So, instead of being living, breathing creatures, running around in a real universe on a real planet, we could just be in a pod, hooked up to the net.

The Matrix
How many dreams/levels did Neo have to wake up from before he was in the real world? Was he in the real world then?
- So, Mr. Anderson thought he was living in the real world of late 90s Chicago (Filmed in Sydney).
- And then he was awakened to their being more to this reality. Like, men in black, and robot bugs that can live inside you.
- And then he takes the red pill and wakes up in a pod, gets flushed, finds out that his whole life was in a simulation.
- Then he meets the Oracle and learns of destiny
- Then he meets the Architect and learns that this has repeated at least 5 times
- Then he meets the Computer which is seemingly running all the simulations
- But, really the Computer is just part of this world, and there is more
Did you notice that each of the trilogy starts off with the sacred masculine being asleep, and the sacred feminine being in danger?
If you talk to any Rinpoche (named Buddhist) they will talk about all of these layers. (and more) Many say that these monks are looking for Nirvana, however, that is the last describable earthly step in waking up. The meditation of Nirvana is about getting through absolute bliss to the other side.
Most humans are only aware of awake and asleep. Never even realizing the depths of each of those states, let alone think that there are more states.

The universe is recreated 22 trillion times per second
You could say that our lives are like individual pictures on a movie reel. Each moment the universe is created, and then collapses, and then is recreated, and then collapses…
This is very analogous to TV screens/computer monitors.
Our movement is like a video game characters movement. First you are at x, and the next frame you are at x+1…
And, what really messes with people is that the next frame doesn't have to flow from the last one. But it is, usually, for you to not get freaked out. However, many people have been in an accident where they find themselves where they were not a moment before.
Further, talking about accidents, many people watch an accident happen in very slow motion. Seeing all kinds of frames, that are usually just a blur.
So, you take all this, and it is very easy to say that we are in a simulation. It is so computer game like, that this must be a game.

This is a simulation, but so what?
Being in a dream does not mean that the world you wake up in is not real.
You may be able to totally prove that this world is a simulation, still, you put your hand on a hot stove, and it hurts. There are real consequences to your actions in this world. Simulation or not.
Even when you become aware of your "higher self" (that part of self that lives outside of space and time. You might call it the person playing the video game, and you are the character in the video game.) you know that you are still very much in this "reality".
The best you can work out is that you cannot quit the game, and you are going to stay repeating this level until you master it and beat it. So, you better take this "simulation" very seriously, like your life depended on it.

The thing is, this world may indeed be a simulation, however, it is a VERY REAL simulation. And the consequences of this are far deeper than we can comprehend.
We have a lot more control over this world than Modern Materialistic Science would have you believe. And this is why Modern Materialistic Science was shoved down our throats. To keep us from comprehending our own world.
And, although this world could be described as a simulation, it was a simulation created by you and for you. And you, that part that started this universe, wants to play this game through. And so you, the avatar, does not have any way of just quitting. (if you die, by your own hand, you will wind up back in a pretty similar experience, except that you will be worse off then you are now. (Taking your life hurts. And you will continue to feel that pain, until you heal it. You, in the next life, who can't remember, heals what you did to yourself last time)
The one good thing about thinking of this life as a game, is it allows you to focus more on what really matters, and not the repetitive tasks of maintaining your life. You don't have to be so serious. And that helps. Laughing really helps.