Trying Semen Retention Day #4 || The Diary Game
This is my first post after the introductory post about the challenge I was about to embark. You can read that post here => Trying semen retention
The first three days were not difficult at all. Most of the time I was busy with life and the thought of masturbation only crossed my mind while going to sleep or in the shower.
I have noticed some things in the past 4 days that happened with me:
1- Energy levels have risen a bit. I am feeling less tired and in general more aware.
2- Stress and Anxiety have reduced significantly for me to take notice of how agitated I used to be earlier. After a long time, I am feeling at peace with myself and settled internally.
3- I am a teeny weeny bit more confident about what I want. Small things like asking for more time from people, and expressing my thoughts more assertively. This may not be biologically related but a side effect of me being able to have a better control over myself maybe?
4- Skin on my face feels more moist. I have extremely dry skin, and it has definitely started to feel more supple. This although can also be the effect of change in humidity levels, as it is raining where I live for the past 3-4 days.
5- I am also getting triggered more often. A general feeling of irritation is there. I am usually way more poised and peaceful about things.
Today, on day #4 I am feeling very strong urges to masturbate. I have been 'buzzing' for the past 2 hours and then decided to write a post here. It feels like such a long journey lies ahead, and I desperately want to slip back into my Dopamine high. I am trying my best to stay distracted and not feel the urges. Wish me luck! Will keep you all updated
Hello @explained first you complete your achievement 1 post in Newcomer's community. Then start writing your blogs.
If you want anykind of guidence then contact with me on discord.
My Discord Id - deepak94#7616
Country Representative India
Jai Hind 🇮🇳