Incredible India monthly contest of February | What if you had the opportunity to become a member of the steemit team? "
So let's start.🍀
✨.What if you had the opportunity to become a member of the steemit team..?
Steemit is one of the most amazing platforms I know. I have worked here since 2023 and in March I will complete my second year. When I look back, this journey is full of joys. Every day I got a new opportunity to learn more about him through this platform.I never have a single complain about it.In my age when we getting older when need someone whos listen to you and here is it the opportunity you can write here without any hesitation and open up about your thoughts and also earn morning.I remembered when i lost my job and didn't have anything to do also my health is not good. I was very worried about household expenses and thankfully when of my friend told me about thus contest because of her today, i able to earn money from my home.And when I started working here I saw a lot of people who were very doing their job as a moderator or admin and they play a role model for other new users. they could support the users who work here with heartily I was very happy because we connect here for all over the world and the people's who works here are such humble and kind and I always thought that I would have to work so much that one day I would be a part of steemit team but its need a lot of hard work i have to see the kids or other are the many works of the house, so I can't work on time, which is my weak point.
What if i get chance?
If I get this opportunity, I will be very happy the most first and then I will tell my daughters because they always bery supportive to work on this platform because I started working here because of their efforts and secondly, it has been a long time when I work on the steemit. I always moderator whos doing their job perfectly and they do their best in every other post.
In my opinion whenever you start in any company you senior is always your role model and they always gives you a push to do your best.
🍀.So i would love to support new users, who start working here and didn't know about online earrings website.In my case i was new and no one here to help me , sometime i made mistake and every single mistake tell me that how strong i am?
🍀.I would like to encourage those people who left this opportunity just because they didn't get reward as soon as they join.Its not a quick platform you can't earn money with just click button or as soon as you want.You had to work hard here.
🍀. I try to arrange a contest where you are free to write anything, without any questions.Its like how you feel today? You can write whatever you feel today.
🍀. I want to be very kind and humble with everyone who's here to work and enjoy talking with them hahaha ( its silly but its fun).
🍀. I try to arrange award ceremony for the user (just for users) who do their best here like i do best creators, best Picture quality, funny dialogue and interesting content and show my support with sp.
These are some of the things I would like to do.
Thank You. ❤
I like to invite.
আপনি প্লাটফর্মে বড় উচ্ছ কথা যেতে পারলে আপনি কি কি করবেন সেটা আপনি আমাদের সাথে শেয়ার করেছেন। আমি একটা জায়গায় প্রতিনিয়ত কাজ করার ক্ষেত্রে আমাদের মনের অনুভূতি কিন্তু শেয়ার করতে পারি না কিন্তু এই প্লাটফর্মের সবচাইতে ভালো দিক হচ্ছে আমরা যেমন আমাদের মনের অনুভূতি শেয়ার করতে পারি ঠিক তেমনি অন্যের পোস্ট পড়ে অনেক কিছু বুঝতে পারি অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ প্রতিযোগিতায় অংশগ্রহণ করার জন্য ভালো থাকবে।