Incredible India monthly contest of December #2| Some health tips to begin afresh new year!

in Incredible India2 months ago

The Importance of Sequential Arrangement: Knowledge, Wealth, and Health

During the lifecycle there are multiple factors which can dramatically influence individual’s development and health. Within such important expressions of our being, knowledge, wealth, health, are the best harbingers of success, and the good life. The mentioned sequence: knowledge, wealth, and health has not only a practical meaning but a deeper one, which will be uncovered in this article.

1. Knowledge

Education and specifically knowledge is regarded as something that is based on which our whole life is created. That’s why in other words, this simply means that if you want to stay significant and be able to react to the fluctuations in the right manner, you have to be generating fresh knowledge and shopping new information. Also, in increasing people’s personal development and education, they can make good choices regarding their jobs or with their money.

Question: In what way does the process of knowledge enhance it?


Knowledge actually brings better performance in all aspects of our different dealings. Firstly, it increases our chances of getting employment as well as creates equal job prospects which otherwise may be difficult to come across. Secondly, it helps us make the right decisions in terms of wealth, finance and investing. Apart from, it fosters verbal and non-verbal communication, and relationship development as well as personal and social awareness.

However, the clamor for learning knowledge may be satisfying in its own right. The brain opens up to new ideas and what is taught, education does that and in turn the ones that are constantly pursuing knowledge get them happy and satisfied. And it’s well known that knowledge is the main thing of our life that serves at the basis of the person.



2. Wealth

The reason for this, and one that has been mentioned above, is that wealth in itself does not guarantee happiness, but does contribute to living comfortably and brings protection. Availability of cash means that people are not too worried about money matters, they can afford good education and health services, and be able to have a vacation or engage in self development.

Question: How can the build up of wealth be achieved and the wealth be managed in a proper way?


Creating and growing a wealth plan entails setting up a workable budget, setting savings goals, investing well, and working on the issue of debt. An important component of wealth management is defining one’s financial objectives or goals, which entail conducting an investment plan, as well as being ready to cope with unforeseen situation, having an emergency money reserve. You could consult with financial advisors or use internet to search for more information in the management of personal wealth.

Additionally, he or she should have other ways of funding his or her basic needs that are unrelated to investing such as retirement or children tuition fees. Paying off only what is necessary and saving without compromising to spend haphazardly and always checking over and revising on a financial plan will further help in building a firm financial base.

3. Health

The final, and the most important, of these components may be characterised as being essential for people’s lives, but health. A sound health makes people able to live life to the fullest, perform normal functions, and or engage in any activity of their choice. Besides, healthy living would enhance the level of productivity, energy, and decrease on stress levels.

Question: What nutritious habits are obtainable now?


Incorporating a few simple healthy routines can have a significant impact on our overall health and well-being:

  1. Regular exercise: Another activity such as cycling, jogging, swimming or practicing yoga might also help in increasing the quality of the heart health besides fleer and de-stressing.

  2. Balanced nutrition: Taking enough vitamins and minerals and enough proteins carbohydrate and fat, taking the right amount of fruits and vegetables.



  1. Adequate sleep: Getting to sleep and trying to achieve 7-8 hours a night has multiple impacts on cognitive abilities enhanced moods, and general well-being.
  2. Stress management: Lowering anxiety also lowers anxiety and increases the patient’s emotional state, and that includes: Meditating, deep breathing, journaling, other stress alleviating practices.
  3. Regular check-ups: These include booking an appointment with a doctor often to have a check up or to the dentist.

And through such exercise, they not only stay healthy but also live a healthy life with a happier and more satisfying life.

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Finally proving their connection in a sequential order in the lives of us humans. Whereas knowledge helps us to make educated choices and improve our chance of success, money allows to have nice life and indulge in our passions. Ineffect, health is the cornerstone for receiving the fruits, the result of the efforts invested in gaining knowledge and wealth.

This is the reason we should embrace the three aspects as our key guidelines in the journey of realizing the life that will make us better people to be happy. Together- growth in knowledge, responsible handling of wealth and giving priority to health one can build a life full of experience, relations and health. Of course, revaluation, the notion of which lies at the heart of this article, is a lifelong endeavor; thus, integrating these elements into life will definitely open the way to a fuller, more meaningful existence.


 2 months ago 

জ্ঞান, সম্পদ, এবং স্বাস্থ্য নিয়ে এমন একটি ধারাবাহিক বিশ্লেষণ সত্যিই প্রশংসনীয়। প্রতিটি অংশই জীবনের একটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ দিককে স্পষ্ট করেছে। জ্ঞান মানুষকে সঠিক সিদ্ধান্ত নিতে সাহায্য করে, সম্পদ জীবনের স্বাচ্ছন্দ্য নিশ্চিত করে, আর স্বাস্থ্য আমাদের সেই স্বাচ্ছন্দ্য উপভোগ করার সুযোগ দেয়।

লেখাটি খুবই অনুপ্রেরণাদায়ক এবং গভীর চিন্তার পরিচায়ক। জীবনে এই তিনটি বিষয়ের ভারসাম্যই সফলতা ও সুখের চাবিকাঠি।

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