#idea-bank Posts I need to see here on steemit.
I'm depositing a few ideas into the #Idea-bank that I have just made up. If you have a touch of writers block, here are a few articles i need in my life.

How not to kill the teenage boys who are getting ideas about your daughter!

This is an appeal directly to you dad's out there, I'm doing this on my own and my 11 year old already has older boys looking at her in the wrong way.
I'm guessing chasing them off with a 2x4 full of rusty nails isn't an appropriate response, no matter how tempting it seems.
Time management

I need all the help i can get when it comes to managing my time, especially now I have found steemit..with 3 kids, an ill sister, job searching, 2 houses to run as well as creating content and commenting here, i'm constantly falling from one task to another..in fact if anyone wants to put their techniques to the ultimate test I'll happily be a guniea pig and record the results.
How to stop worrying.

I am a worrier always have been, The slightest thing can send me spinning into a worry spiral - which usually ends in me trying my best not to pass on those silly worries to those around me. honestly it's exhausting and a waste of everyones time.
All though i have to admit it's happening a lot less since I came here.
How not to kill houseplants.

let's just say it's a good thing you cant be sent to jail for plantslaughter..how is it I can keep 3 kids and 2 cats alive and well but i just have to walk past a houseplant to kill it?
The ultimate beginners guide to carpentry

I like making things! i don't want to walk into a shop and spend far too much money on a standard unit or shelf. When the same money could buy me the wood needed, a few powertools to play with and the satisfaction of making it myself.
Feel free to use any idea's deposited into the #idea-bank or deposit your own spare idea's for those content creators in need.
*All pictures sourced from picturebay
Ahhh... Where to begin....?
I am sooooo glad I have boys. I was mad as hell when my baby sister told me she was pregnant (the first time). They'd been dating for nearly 5 years and married for about 2 before this happened. I still couldn't get over that my baby sister was having sex! (I know. I have a serious problem. LOL)
Time management from my standpoint: GLASS & RUBBER BALLS
Figure out what in your life is glass and cannot, under any circumstances, be dropped. Examples: providing necessities for family, eating, showering, a 5-minute break for mental health... The rest are rubber balls. They can handle being bounced around or dropped. Examples: laundry, dishes, sweeping...
How to stop worrying
Consider this. This thing that you're worried about: is it truly something that you have ANY control over? if not - give it to God. I'm not overly religious, but when I give it back to the universe, I don't worry so much. All I can do is hold on for the ride.
Houseplants were always a sore area for me because they always died on me. So, I started giving my fruit plants epsom salt and rotten milk and my greenery got a little whisky and water once a month. They were the happiest plants and lived for years! I'm not kidding.
Check out YouTube and Pinterest for great pallet ideas! I've been telling my husband that he'd better bring them home when he finds any on the curb.
3.give it back to the universe got it! I can do that.
5..I may need you on the end of a saftey rope to find my way back once you go into pintrest i& youtube t's impossible to find your way out again.
I'm pretty sure it's blasphemy to pinch someone else's whisky. LOL
As for trips into Pinterest & Youtube... um... have a clear project in your head "I need a shelf" and then venture in. Follow the yellow brick road. :)
I'm working on a "How to Stop Worrying" article for you. I'm actually an expert in that. And they say that it is good to write about either what you know or what you're curious about. I will shoot you a reply here to let you know around when I will post it.
My challenge in writing is making everything flow together. I have too many ideas and thoughts that run through my head...then they get all interconnected and it starts to get trippy.
looking forward to it, be sure to drop a link here or in chat when you are finished.
try keeping a note pad next to you when you are writing your first draft to note those ideas down as they tumble out of your head, then go back to them as your doing your first edit.
use the ones that work without sending your piece off at a tangent
filter the rest to see if they are worthy of an article of thier own.
if you have any left over you can always donate them here :D
Invite guy sharkin' on daughter in house for chat.
Clean gun collection while having said 'chat'
hmmm i'm in the uk so no guns. maybe i should add more nails to the piece of 2x4 and carve it into a bat shape while having said chat instead.
Ha, this is a great post great job! :)
thanks, really hoping one of the dads picks up the 1st idea. she starts high school on monday and there is a worry spiral brewing lol.
My daughter is 22 and I better don't get started on her first boyfriend. Ideas Ideas please how to get rid of him :)
alright, I'll see what I can come up with as I've just recently experienced this inevitable 'phenomenon'. Not sure if this will be so effective for girls over 17 though.
oh you star, let us know when it's up please.
My kids are all grown now, and I'm at the point of spoiling my grandkids and sending them home on a candy high. I am going to enjoy when they are teenagers, cause payback is a bitch, and my kids deserve it. The grey hair that came from their antics will also find them. I do love them all, but it's part of the great circle.
I did enjoy your post, and wish you well.
lmao, my mum has a pretty similar grandparenting philosophy.
My daughter is only three and a half and I am dreading number 1!!! I have to know what you learn on this subject!
On the subject of plants, maybe they are over watered? Its a common thing with indoor plants. It wasn't till I started growing chillies I learned my mistake!!
@timelapse wrote a great post, Be wared though it might send you into a worry cycle if there are things that haven't crossed your mind yet lol,
Lordy, i will have a look!
Love this!
Here's your guid on how to stop worrrying. Hope it's not too divergent lol and hope you enjoy. It's part 1 of 2