Cryptic Messages to AMERICA and the WORLD. "WINTER IS COMING!"... The ominous quote made famous by the Illuminati show, "Game of Thrones"
Illuminati Messages, Games of Thrones, I Pet Goat, Other Prophecies and Biblical References. What does this all mean? Read On.

The Imperial Regent of the Lord, Angelus Domini Quotes
"WINTER IS COMING!"... The ominous quote made famous by the Illuminati show, "Game of Thrones", which is now entering its "final season", where the dead have risen, and a once dead Prince, now resurrected, finally takes his rightful place on the throne as King.
The "Parable of the Budding Fig Tree" told by Christ in Matthew 24:32-35, Mark 13:28-31, and Luke 21:29-33, was the instruction to His followers to know the "season" by knowing the signs, and since He knows not the day nor the hour (Matthew 24:36), but presumably the year and the final season, shouldn't we pay much more attention to His WINTER WARNING about fleeing the Abomination of Desolation, saying "Pray that your flight won't be in the winter." (Mark 13:18)

Logically, the only reason people would be fleeing during the winter is because they have NO CHOICE... Because they didn't take heed of His commands and warnings over the "Seven-Year Covenant with the Many" (Daniel 9:27), and were forced to run at the last possible moment when it was essentially too late!
By now you should have noticed in the Illuminati video "I, Pet Goat II", all of the end time events culminate during a savage winter that has encased the world... By now you should have also noticed that the internet is flooded with dire warnings of the "sun dimming", and Earth entering a "mini ice age" this winter... Do the math.
This is not the sun as you know it. This is Saturn ignited as the New Sol. Notice the rings around it. Notice the Ice and events that take place surrounding.

i Pet Goat 2
Dimming the Sun
Quots Angelus Domini
So, you've seen the governments try to cover-up Lord RayEl's chastisements with lame excuses like:
- "Climate Change" for unprecedented weather events and flooding.
- "Global Warming" for record-breaking fires and droughts.
- "Oil Fracking" for now constant major earthquakes.
- "Asteroid Season" (seriously 🤣) to explain the rain of fire from the sky.
Is this their newest attempt to cover-up a chastisement from the Lord?
Story Author Josh Gabbatiss Quotes
First, ever sun-dimming experiment will mimic volcanic eruption in an attempt to reverse global warming
'If solar geoengineering is as good as what is shown in these models, it would be crazy not to take it seriously'

Winter officially begins in America and Israel in about 16 days.
For a series of I PET GOAT intel please refer to BIN stories here
The Latest
Tanakh Code Warning has Been Discovered By Bishop Mike Harr Recently
1 Tanakh Code for Shutdown U.S.A.
Extends to read "Shutdown U.S.A. Judgment"
Yah Lord Allah
Bishop Mike Harr Quotes The Lord's Warning Given Prior
"Those who choose to stay in his (Satan's) realm will drink from the bitter cup of his chastisement" - Lord RayEl's World Address
A Word From Bishop Mike Harr

Archbishop Selena Scott Has Found a Torah code that is VERY interesting on comet WIRTANEN
Code 1
GANGWAY(PORT) 46/WIRTANEN WHAT THERMAL, BEULAH, CAPTURE, SUPREME, NATIONALIZATION ( the transfer of a major branch of industry or commerce from private to state ownership or control) WAS NUMEROUS HEART (Debris Field?), AND RA-EL.
46P/WIRTANEN a comet coming toward Earth on Dec 16, 2018.
Israel was too far away from the main search term.
Quotes Deaconess Sarah Silvia
Comet ApproachingMore Asteroids & Meteors2 Feet Of SnowOver 30 Aftershocks-7.6 Quake*
Quotes Archbishop Selena Scott
Occurs Dec 16, 2018. Less than 4 days after perihelion; The comet is near its brightest. Geocentric Distance. 0.0775 AU; 30 Lunar distances; 11.5 million km . 46P Wirtanen is a 1.2km diameter short period comet discovered photographically by Carl Wirtanen at Lick Observatory in 1948. Wirtanen is a Jupiter group comet that has a period of 5.43 years and aphelion of 5.1 AU.
Other Evidence
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Sources and Credits
God and his Holy Son
The Messiah Lord RayEl
The Imperial Regent of the Lord Angelus Domini
The Holy Bible
Christ Has Returned YouTube
I do not claim ownership of any pictures, videos or story links.
This is all purely educational and blog
Combine logic, signs, prophecies, and follow these headlines to connect it all
Coincidence such thing!
The Storm Is Here
Are YOU Prepared?
You Know What to Do!
Exodus, Go Baja or Mount Zion area to prepare!
The Time Is NOW
Avengers 4 trailer drops tomorrow. I'm sure there will be some revelations hidden in it.
Tis the season (as some might say)... the final season, that is. Winter is coming! You can always rely on the illuminated to put a message out for the masses, to shine some light in their direction.
Good explanation on prophetic events. Thank you! :)
What interesting times we live in...they all ask for signs yet there are so many in front of us all!