Best and easy way to make Hot dogs at home.
I'm going to talk about hot dogs otherwise known as lil hot dog the first thing I'm going to do is show you the list of stuff you're gonna need from your grocery store to be able to follow and do your own little hot dog at home you're gonna need a bottle
of wine with a sort of glass the white and old stir whatever two pans one for the hot dogs one for the sauce milk butter flour a measuring cup for liquids little scale just in case let's be precise about this grater for the cheese and what they call bread
if you have a choice which you may or may not try and find something small like this which in France they call if you sell which means a rope or string it's really small baguette really and the point of that is that you're gonna put the hot dog in it
and so it's better if you don't have 80 percent bread and 20% hot dog the whole point is to balance it well it's kind of a mixing thing as always you need a clear vision of what you're shooting for at the end of the project in this case I'm interested in eating soon
so I'm gonna warm up the oven now so that it's ready when all my preparations and all my stuff will be put together so I'm gonna preheat the oven also I want to make sure that the hotdogs are cooked by the time I'm done with the sauce so I'm gonna turn the water on right now
and you meantime take a knife make very small incisions on the hotdog very small this is so that they don't blow up in your face when you put them in the water something that's good to do now while the hotdogs is still cold so you don't burn your fingers later is to cut
the bread to the right length it's in good taste to make the hotdog bun if you will more or less the size of the hotdog do we made four so let's make four and I'm going to do down and I'm going to torture the bread into accepting the sausage the way I usually do it
is I just cut the upper crust like this and make a little V I know it's a disgrace it's got such wonderful bread but you can always nibble on it while you cook so the idea is this you know I like it when the hotdog sticks out a little bit on the side it's fun
then you can remove a little bit of the inside so that a little more room for the goodies so I have my four buns ready and next thing I can do while I wait for the sausages to go is grate the cheese how much cheese so great I don't as much as you can stand it's time to integrate
the wine in the recipe you smell it should not suck that's not sorry okay next let's put the hot dogs in the water hey what up then you turn the heat off and you count six to eight minutes depending on how neurotic
you are about germs and stuff like that how good your hotdogs are and how long it's gonna take you to make the sauce let's make the sauce you're gonna need equal parts butter and flour she try and strive for 30 grams butter
and 30 grams of flour for this amount of hot dogs if you're in America and you don't know grass you try them it's addictive that's 30 grams of butter I'm going to turn the heat on under my pan here and 30 grams of flour
flour is a pain in the butt because it flies all over the place a voila okay so the point here is to use it as a whisk and to whisk the flour onto the melted butter to make what we call
a beurre blanc or Bell hole depending on how far you cook it still melting I hate electric heat all right you do have to wait until it's fully melted.