Steemit Engagement Challenge Season3 Week #1 |All About My Job As a Technical Education Teacher by @rafk
greetings to all members of the hot news community. i hope we all doing fine. i am so delighted to be writing my first ever post in this community . its of great importance to me and i will be giving in nothing but my absolute best. my writings will be on the theme: All About My Job As a Technical Education Teacher
its an interesting topic with lot to say about as well are all entitled to a job(s). Without hesitation , lets get to the introduction
To live and survived in the society today, one has to have something doing in other that, he or she could pay his or her bill and take care of themselves. That is the part where, jobs come in. Sometimes we find yourself in job position which which is not of our interest that but, but we got stay committed so far as it pays the bills. Nethertheless some lucky persons got to find jobs in the field of their best interest. i happen to be working in the domain i did my formation in. i am a graduate from the university of Bamenda Cameroon, with a diploma in mechanical engineering(DIPET I) from ENSET(Higher technical teachers training college) Bambili. this took place in june 2020 as i enrolled out of the university as a full time technical school teacher. Now that we know the origin of my job, let's discuss about my job now.
As we all Know teaching is a noble profession, it has a lot soaked in this profession. Most people don't understand the concept of teaching as the all assume it's some sort of a mediocre job. little do they know that whether you like it or not, you must pass in an educational system runned by teachers for instance, imagine yourself dreaming to become a doctor, engineer. Your can not just post your self and become the doctor of your dreams at once, you need a teacher in your perspective field to guide nurture and tutor you till the end.
About my job, i am a science and engineering teacher at Elidence comprehensive college Ngodi Bakoko. found in the littoral region of cameroon. i began teaching in january 2021, after my graduation in june 2020. i am a course instructor in:
Further Mathematics | Additional mathematics |
pure mathematics | physics |
Professional technology | Applied mechanics |
The above mention are the various subjects i teach. i ll talk now on my day to day activities at my jobsite.
What are my daily tasks at my place of work ? |
My activities on a work day begins at home. me being a teacher, i am charge with making lessons, correction of student's scripts(note) and lots more. when i get up in the morning on a work day, before going out i check to see if all my material to be taught for the day is complete. after verification, i immediately pack my bag and then leave the house as early as 6:30 Am. i usually board a taxi to school and the journey often take 30 min to reach school. by 7:00 Am i am already in school. first i stop by the staffroom to get my didatics materials, and the exactly 7:30 Am , lessons are starting.
- In the classroom
when i arrived the classroom, my students greet me by chanting, i greet them as well and ask them to resume to their seats. the next thing i do is present my board, write the topic or sub, to be treated for the day and the i move around to check on those who have done their assignments. if checking , if the assignment was complicated, i will solve it for correction but if it was moderate, i will pick one or two students who have done it correct to put their solutions on the board for those who did not have it right. if there are still doubts i do the explaining. below are some of my student doing correction on the board.

after their assignments have been corrected, we move straight to the lesson of the day. activities involved during lessons are: questions and answer session, giving out lesson notes and student take on application exercises to be corrected during lesson periods.

If the activities of the day are to include practical work this how the atmosphere will be like
practical session with studentswhats3words
A lesson at school usually takes 1 hour and the student are allowed to go out for break by 10: 30 Am. during this time student go out to have their lunch while other go to play ground to play. below is a photo of me with students on break.
i usually have 5 hours a day to give lessons and then i finish at school by 2:00 Pm. while done with the days activities, i pass by the staffroom again to keep my didactics material and then clean myself before heading home.
What is the biggest obstacle i have ever experienced while doing my job |
the most difficult part of teaching is giving instructions and students do exactly the same as instructed. passing out knowledge is no easy task as we are face with lots of challenges from student part. some time you have to explain something or a problem for roughly 5 times before some student could finally catch up. this is the hardest part of teaching any teacher can tell. but nevertheless that is how it is and we have to deal with it.
- Remedy to the problem(s) faced during teaching
student are of 3 categories : slow learner, moderate and fast learners.
when a child is notice as a slow learner, i while give him extra explanation on spare hours or go further to pair him with a fast learner for a better understanding.
What are my greatest hope in the future related to my job |
Teaching in general involved the step of moving from one level to another as you make your way to the top. various steps are: teacher to dean of studies or discipline master, from discipline to vice principal and from vice to principal. this is how the pedagogic hierarchy looks like. one year ago i was just a classroom teacher but. i was recently nominated HOD of my department. my greatest hopes are to some day to not only end at the level of the secondary education but swap to higher education system. i am working consistently for it to come true in nearest future.
Teaching has been part of me for pass 2 years and i love doing this job. i may have my set back regardless of the job, but i try my possible be to keep moving. haven said much about my job, i hope you enjoy reading . to conclude i ll be inviting @tangwe-rene, @tenguhatanga, @chiabertrand and @wyzcekunited to kindly join me in this engagement challenge by clicking on the link
my regards: @rafk
Determination of Club Status refers to the Web-based Application
You must be a lovely teacher, being a science instructor is no easy thing, that means you are very grounded in that aspect
But 30 mins drive to work is a whole lot of sacrifice, welldone
Being a teacher is a great job. It's one of the job that i respect most in my life because of what it entails to succeed before those stubborn, hard-to-teach children. Keep up with the good job. Success story is ahead, bro.
thanks so much bro. i'm happy you can tell what teachers go through. no easy job but fun at the same time.
thank you so much ma'am its not easy but worth it.
Gosh! A teache! Not any teacher! A science & engineering teacher! Well done!
Teaching is indeed a noble job but not something I can do. I always say that teachers are born teacher.
Thank you for sharing with us & good luck for the contest 🤞🏻
thanks so much ma'am. i come from a family of teacher and aside other occupations i'm a teacher too
thanks for your wishes