Holy Week: Good Friday

in #holy-week7 years ago

"Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother, his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. 26 When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to her, “Woman, here is your son,” 27 and to the disciple, “Here is your mother.” From that time on, this disciple took her into his home." (John 19:25; NIV)

Good Friday.

I think we all know - mas o menos - what happens today.
The pictures speak for themselves. They are practically clichés, I am well aware. They spoke very little to me up till a few years ago.

Recently, I am griped by Karfreitag. The German speaks strongly to my imagination with the root of "karg" or care: pointing to the sorrow-filled event. There can be no love without sorrow. A lot of false prophets promise eternal bliss and heaven on earth, and the immature follow in fear of pain.

The stronger souls don't let a bit of ouwa deter them from their intent to become valuable co-creators. They practice the O the U the A, and weave the Jupiter, Saturn and Venus forces into a plait of Easter bread. The Manna our daily rememberance.

It takes the Work. It is why I find auto-voting in Steemit not a promising development, despite all its finest arguments, and nobody puts it better, how and when it can work, than the truly good soul #sagescrub. But still: we are here on Ahrimanic terrain. Treacheous soil to till - hardly human by the time it reaches us unless we reach behind the screen and smell the sweat of the work the publishers have done in real etheric time. Can we wipe away the tears, though? Salve the wounds? Be the tender, firm shoulders to cry on? Lend the helping hand? Here, we are not forging a Brotherhood, merely alerting to the dire need of one.

To be in touch virtually, is no different to being in communication with the dead.


After the kiss of betrayal the Christ was taken to be heard and judged and sentenced to death.

It stirred me to spontanous tears, last night, to think how destitute this spirit was. Where were his disciples? Peter denies knowing him (thrice). Only the young John stands with Mary beneath the cross. Mary Magdalene is featured, too, in many Medieval/Renaissance painings. The feminine is given a new birthing power to the spirit in a patriarchy gone rotten. But where can she cradle the newborn safely?

The Week falls into stillness

Ahriman (the Prince of Darkness, the conservative preserver and reproductive automaton-maker) triumphs in death. How could Christ have born the agony? If we already scream for an epidural in delivering our baby, what would we cry out for upon the cross? Is not every transitional moment a crucifixion? We reach for drugs to alter our states of mind, not that we might bear our lot more courageously but get through it less astutely aware. We wish ourselves away, out of our fate. We allow our minds to travel into somewhere else: where death cannot have a grip on us.

The hope has fallen into despair

Our bodies die but if we are not in our bodies, how can we die?

The vision has misted over

The endurance and dedication and consolidation that goes into compassion is the glory that will be returned to us. Not to the John, Peter, Paul we call ourselves, but the New Man of the New Jerusalem.

When Judas woke up out of his despair and delusion and all things that bind him to matter: when he again saw clearly he could not bear the loneliness, the separateness. This is the risk that comes with the individualisation process. Are we connected here on Steemit? Are we connected in a Nation? Are we connected in a family? Can you trust who you lie with? Are we not sharing this life with our pets, our cattle, the birds, the fish and the ants and the slugs in our lettuces? What makes I more special than any other body of life, carrier of light? Temple of nature?

The Sorrow Is The Lack Of Connection.

The loss of hearing and seeing our spiritual reality.
There is only one way to triumph over death and that is to go through it. That is the reason for incarnation.
The divine must go through the flesh, bone and blood to come out the other end glorified.
With eternal life.

The blind are leading the blind

The traditional terms of Christianity have lost their meaning. We have deposed the preachers of the church with those from YouTube. More of the same and nothing changes. Very few understand the Divine Egohood. And even those who do, would not know what to do with it effectively, anyway. By yourself you may find a mountainside, but alone it will form a cross from which to hang for ever and a day till the day you die. This won't save a soul. Yet, it makes for a test of endurance. Is valid on the Hinayana path. Za-zen meditation. Makes one still point in a choppy sea. A Private Purgatory.

The fight has gone out of him.

Some may say it was all a storm in a teacup. A rebel without a cause had his soap box day . But on the cross a lot happens, spiritually speaking. He speaks with the thieves. There is one who is lost to despair and gives in to death. There is another who has the fight still left in him, he will hang on in there to join Christ on the other side. Just imagine turning that down in your wilful stubbornness! I can just see myself giving the pompous poser the middle finger (if its muscle has not been severed by a nail). He thirsts and drinks the hyssop and vinegar (bitter and sour). He speaks the Seven Last Words On The Cross. His most famous quotation is frequently mis-translated. People hear "shabakthani", "forsaken" but it is "shewachtani", "glorified" that he actually utters. And then it is done. What exactly?


The child is returned to the mother's arms. The earthly cycle has come full circle. Only ether-astrally do we believe in surviving our parents (progenerating). Spiritually, we always return to the Mother. Even the Big Bang is an explosion out of something: the Ur moment is the I Am- Mother Moment. Nothing to do with any of the Marys or Marthas (the representatives or pawns of this energy in the drama of Golgotha). Nothing to do with the He or them or us. The Tat Vam Asi of it lives on after all the make-up has come off and the costumes hung back up. The Christ has transformed his Ether into a Body in search of a new vessle. He finds it in the Earth. We can all find eternal life in the Earth's Etheric Sheath (or New Jerusalem). It is a dimension of Egohood.

The Anti-Christ is as useless a word as love. It all means nothing anymore. But this Satanic death-power moves the earthly elements and the forces of the heavens. If you have left your body on a high to avoid pain or in craving pleasure, but you overdose in the process, say, then you will have to return for your consciousness to register your body's death. But there is nowhere to return to because you are dead. Dying in OR is a problem. Knocked out of your body in a crash out of the blue, too. The last rites in the Catholic faith stem from a grain of truth (I don't know how effective this semi-pre- semi-after-care specifically is).

That which left your body unprepared for death is (almost always) not of the calibre to exist outside the body in any shape or form. You will dissipate into an etheric puff and your astrality will be consumed by the Kama Loka. Your dust speck of I-ness will be born out into the vastness of all existence to be reassumed perhaps into a new life at some time.

This is not resurrection, but the endless game of recycling.

A lot happens on that hill of death.
Even if it all was just about one dude in the history of one nation's struggle for independence (how ironic the deadly fights going on - specifically - today, on the evening of the Sabbath, in the same region!) even if only that, the story sure has lingered on.... It's impact is unprecedented. 2000 years of it. Even if the Gospels were not written by any true witnesses, or are largely copied, or borrow heavily, there are quite a few scriptures all counted; the event surely had an after-math. It sparked a writing wave for an era that did not write much; it inspired up to hundreds of years later for (pseudo) direct accounts. Even now channellers travel back to the event (Judith von Hallé notably). At any rate, there are more than four gospels, which say similar things, bear testimony to a new way of thinking, feeling, willing - poured forth out of or into the Christ's mouth. A new Human Potential, which was followed up on and renewed and modified throughout time as if there is an essence in this Golgotha Event that is invaluable and of immeasurable importance. The sceptics say: power games. The New Agies love their angel figurines. The deseperate will cling to anything.

Wait For The Glory

Christ's companions into death are quite a special bunch.
There are the Romans, who draw lots for a souvenir (the robe of Christ).
Longinus stabs Christ in the right flank: to release the living water from his liver. In spiritual science this speaks volumes.
Joseph of Arimathea catches the blood that is also released.
As these fluids run to earth, the etheric of christ Redeems the world.
Nicodemus asks for the body and will lay it in the tomb in his garden. It is significant that the legs are not broken, as per usual; or that the body is not left to hang (since it is Passover). The Etheric Body is kept in tact.
We find the Virgin Mary (I hope you are wondering about her virginity) and Mary Magdalen (I hope you are wondering about her sinfulness) and the youngest disciple John under the cross. He is now the son of Mary and she his mother. I hope you are wondering what Christ meant by those words.

Tomorrow Christ goes down to harrow hell. Hope you are wondering what in heaven's name that precisely means! Wasn't it all done, after 3pm today?....

30 When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. (John 19:30) NIV)

All Paintings by Ninetta Sombart; (from : “Ninetta Sombart: Life And Art” by Volker Harlan, 2004.)
  • Except the last veil water colour painting of Golgotha by Liane Collot d'Herbois
  • There is another painting from the amazing St. Martin chapel of Zillis (Judas Kiss).
  • ... and the Fra Angelico of the Crucifixion.
Prededing Parts of the Holy Week Series:


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