The Cult of Judah colonize your mind, then they colonize your nation

How the Cult of Judah colonized your mind, then your nation, as a prelude to its occupation of your nation

Here is a verbatim Quote from Daniella Wies, a founder of The Israeli settlement movement. The movement that is responsible for continuing to break international law, and defy the rulings of international courts, and the U.N.
I quote. ‘This land was promised to the Jews by god...all of it...Arabs came to this area from all over but the promise of god is more important than the changes in history and the political (referring to the Palestinians who have lived in Palestine for around 2000 years, do not have any chance ever have an independent state of your own here'.

How powerful is this movement in Israeli politics? What sort of power would you expect an Israeli settlement movement, based on the Torah, on the Old Testament, to have?

The whole concept of the State of Israel is based upon what was originally VERBAL hearsay, which was then written down, and many hundreds of years of constant revision and re-writing later, published as ‘The Torah’.

This Torah, which most people know of as ‘The Old Testament’, offers role models of ‘ripping up pregnant women’ and ‘dashing their little one’s heads against the stones’. Repeatedly the ‘authority figures’ and ‘role models’ for ‘Jewish’ ethics and behavior, command ‘Jews’ to ‘Kill every man, woman, child, and their unborn, and their animals’ of any people who resist Cult of Judah occupation and enslavement.

This Torah also commands ‘Jews’ to stone their own loved ones to death in public if these loved ones seek to ‘emancipate’ other ‘Jews’ FROM The Cult of Judah, or if they break any of its myriad, complex, ‘laws’.

We gentiles have had a taste of such ‘Cult of Judah Justice’ in ‘Holocaust Denial’ laws. And in the abuse of ‘hate speech’ laws by Cult of Judah occupied legal systems.

The most widespread Cult of Judah influence over the average American’s life came in the form of ‘The Patriot Act’. That most un-American and un-constitutional of all laws passed since those establishing the Federal Reserve Banking System and the Internal Revenue Service.

The Patriot Act was ‘justified’, and in the eyes of most members of the public, ‘legitimized’, by the Nine Eleven attacks. Which the Cult of Judah itself carried out. One of the objectives of the nine eleven attacks was to increase public acceptance of the introduction of such un-American and un-constitutional laws as ‘The Patriot Act’.

The Patriot Act, like all Cult of Judah laws before it, and since, are attacks on personal liberties and individual freedoms. And attacks on our individual and collective rights.

In the same way, faked mass shootings are intended to increase public acceptance of increasingly restrictive gun control laws. With the Australian and European style ‘disarmament of the public’ being the ultimate objective.

The men who wrote the U.S constitution immediately recognised that unless the people were armed, all the rights and liberties they had just granted the people would be meaningless. They accepted that governments tended towards tyranny. And that the only way to guarantee the liberties they had just secured for the people would be to ensure they were armed and capable of defending themselves against their own government, when it became tyrannical.

Cult of Judah propaganda misdirects the debate away from this fact. So that the discourse focusses on hunting. Rather than the defense of the rights and liberties of the people.

Today we face exactly the situation the men who wrote the U.S Constitution were thinking of when they added the second amendment.

The people of the U.S.A no longer enjoy government of the people, by the people, for the people. They are living under a Cult of Judah occupation government. They are being ruled over by tyrants. By Cult of Judah Agents and Affiliates (COJA), who act exclusively in the interests of the elites of the Cult of Judah.

This occupation government and their public and private affiliates and agencies work solely to promote the creation of the sort of TYRANNICAL New World Order described in the Torah and Talmud.

We are today familiar with the concept of ‘pre-emptive defensive strike’ thanks to the Cult of Judah Neo-Conservatives who have dictated U.S foreign policy recently. This policy has lead the U.S to commit war crimes against many nations in the Middle East, South America, and Central America. The most obvious being the invasion and occupation of Iraq, and the attacks on Libya and Syria.

Our current concept of ‘pre-emptive defensive strike’ originates in the Torah, where Cult of Judah Agents got the world’s superpower of the time to slaughter the Cult of Judah’s ‘adversaries’ across that super-power’s entire geographical and political sphere of influence.

An idea, nation, person, organisation, institution, concept, historical fact, scientific fact, ideology, argument, photo, statistic, or belief, automatically becomes the ADVERSARY of the Cult of Judah if it threatens the Cult of Judah’s plans for world domination in any way.

Any person, thing, or idea can become defined as an adversary by virtue of seeking to emancipate the ‘Jews’ FROM the Cult of Judah, or by virtue of resisting the Cult of Judah’s occupation, expansion, and hegemonic domination in world or deed.

But the MOST damaging ‘pre-emptive strike’ carried out by the Cult of Judah, in its war on humanity, and individual and collective freedom, liberty, and legal rights, was made when the Cult of Judah set up ‘Christianity’, then ‘Islam’, then ‘Marxism’, and then the various other ‘re-branded’ forms of Judaism, along with ‘Man-made global climate tipping point-ism’, and various ‘New Age’ –isms.

The Cult of Judah did this so that it could ensure that the Cult of Judah itself filled every available niche where power and influence could be concentrated. Concentrated and centralised as much as possible. The few can only rule the many when power and influence is concentrated in as few hands as possible.

With power concentrated in a few institutions, organisations, and positions of authority, all the Cult of Judah need do is ensure control of the very few people in charge of these institutions and organisations, and in these positions of authority.

This has proven quite easy for the Cult of Judah. And by occupying these centralised concentrations of power and influence, the Cult of Judah today directs the resources of entire nations, both public and private sector, to serving the Cult of Judah’s openly published plan for a ‘Jew’ World Order.

Zionism has massive support among the elites, and even the general population, of the Cult of Judah occupied U.S.A (‘Jew’.S.A / ‘Jew’.S.S.A) thanks to thousands of years of careful planning.

The blueprints and ‘play book’ for the Cult of Judah’s 3000 war against humanity and plan to enslave the entire human race, are carefully and precisely detailed and laid out in ‘sacred’ texts. The ‘play book’ known as ‘The Torah’ to most ‘Jews’, and the first 5 books of ‘The Old Testament’, to Christians and Muslims. The Cult of Judah have followed the strategies of the role models described in this book. It is mostly a work of fiction. But instructive fiction. Didactic fiction. Fiction intended to teach the realpolitik of world domination.

Lend to the nations, and never borrow from them, and you shall soon come into possession of the entire world, and they shall serve you.

Persuade the leaders of the world powers to destroy your enemies for you, in ‘pre-emptive defensive strikes’.

Utterly destroy any nation that opposes your will. Any nation that will not bow down and serve you. Any people that will not voluntarily hand over their possessions, and the fruits of their labors. Kill every man, woman, child, and unborn, and their animals. You shall live in houses that you did not build. You shall enjoy the fruits of others labors. You shall eat food that you did not grow, or prepare. Each Cult of Judah elite shall have 2600 slaves. Stone to death any ‘Jews’ who attempt to challenge any Cult of Judah dogma. Attempting to liberate or emancipate a slave, or any ‘Jew’, from the Cult of Judah, is persecution, and must be killed by public stoning. The family members of the perpetrator must throw the first stones.

The real power of the Cult of Judah lies in its power over the hearts and minds of the American people. And the people of every other occupied nation, from Germany, to Russia, to Australia. For the Cult of Judah’s first major pre-emptive strike was a strike at the hearts, minds, and souls, of the people.

The Cult of Judah effectively COLONISED the emerging American colonies with its RELIGION.

Most successful colonial powers first send religious missionaries to their target victim nations. The British colonized African and Asian nations by first sending missionaries to gain control of the native’s MINDS, before occupying them militarily and politically.

Once you have your religion in place, you can pretend to grant occupied nations their political ‘freedom’. You can let them imagine they have regained their sovereignty. Because they have already handed over sovereignty of their own minds to you. They are no longer sovereigns at any level. Because they have handed over their individual sovereignty. And all collective action is a product of the actions of individuals, later institutionalised in the form of laws, and institutions.

Now your power can be exercised unobtrusively. From behind the scenes. Because you have occupied the hearts and minds of the masses.

You control them via their beliefs. Which they accept unquestioningly. Without reflection. As articles of faith. As dogma.

What follows from this is total control of the nation’s financial systems, legal systems, educational systems, economic systems, and mass media.

In true post-Soviet Russian style, you also set up your own ‘controlled opposition’ to the dominant hegemonic institutions, ideas, religions, and leaders. So that you not only control the people seen to be in charge, and exercising power, but also the people who appear to be competing with them for those positions of power. 

Few Americans view themselves as the subjugated colonial slaves of a colonial power, because of the ‘unobtrusive’ nature of the Cult of Judah occupation. Because it is at the MOST FUNDAMENTAL LEVEL. That of ‘taken for granted’ and totally ‘naturalized’ belief systems.

The moment someone added ‘…under GOD’ to the U.S constitution, the fate of the new colony was sealed. When ‘In god we trust’ was added to the new ‘SEAL’ of this new state, the figurative became literal. The fate of the U.S was ‘sealed’.

For WHOSE ‘god’ is this ‘GOD’ in which the U.S population are supposed to ‘trust’?

Under WHOSE ‘god’ was the U.S Constitution founded?

YHWH. The ‘god’ of the Cult of Judah. Under whose AUTHORITY they Cult of Judah elites exercise their PROXY right to rule.

Remember that the Cult priest’s authority is TRANSFERRED authority. They claim the authority of their god. And thus they only ever have any authority if you accept that their god is real, and that this god has chosen them to represent himself, on earth.

If you fail to get acceptance or acquiescence to either of these two sources of power, you, as a priest, lose any and all earthly power you had over the people.

Unless you can convince people that the god you speak of exists, and that he has chosen you to represent him, the people have zero reason to obey your commands.

Your power is all a result of the BELIEF you instill in people that this god does in fact exist, and that he did in fact chose you to represent him on earth.

In this way all your power is the result of the acceptance of hearsay. Homo Fideo is an easy mark. And anyway, you don’t need anyone to really believe you. You just need them to think ‘almost everyone else’ believes you. The true power is the result of ‘collective ignorance’. Where everyone, fearful of fates worse than death, or simply loss of status, privilege, or a job, or of rejection and abandonment, PRETENDS to believe, and they ‘go along to get along’. And so it SEEMS to everyone that ALMOST EVERYONE ELSE (a typical Schumerism – COJA-ism) believes. And given the dangers associated with being ‘the odd man out’, everyone reinforces this appearance by themselves PRETENDING to believe to. You can end up with almost no-one genuinely believing something, but everyone appearing to believing it. And actions often follow from beliefs. At very least in-action and passive acceptance of the actions that logically follow from beliefs.

The reason the Cult of Judah are so compulsive obsessive about ‘Holocaust Denial Laws’ is that they realise that the moment people become free to engage in free and open public discussion about their REAL beliefs, the general public are going to be shocked to discover that most of their most respected and admired intellectuals and public figures do NOT believe what they assumed they believed. Once there is no need to self-censor, millions of people will ‘come out of the closet’ as ‘Holocaust skeptics’, what the Cult of Judah have had defined, legally, and socially, as ‘Holocaust Denial’. In the sense that you can only deny something if you know it to be true. In the sense that it is not a lie, if you believe it.

Few ‘Christians’ would be able to recall the MOST important statements of Saul of Tarsus. He is the ‘Jew’ who founded ‘Christianity’, and renamed himself ‘Paul’. Saul did what many ‘Jews’ in the West have done since, namely changed their own names to hide their TRUE allegiance to the Cult of Judah.

Now try to focus, all ye faithful. Paul, in his letters to the Romans, states that after the ‘tribulation’ (a constellation of various star and planetary movements that took place recently) the ‘New Testament’ becomes null and void. The contract Jesus, as proxy for YHWH, had made with ‘the nations’, is only valid up to a particular date. That date. The day after the ‘tribulations’.

At which point the ORIGINAL contract / covenant ‘god’ had made with the Cult of Judah ‘Jews’, comes back into force.

In other words the exceptionalist racial supremacist ideology of Semitism becomes LAW once more. And ONLY Cult of Judah members, ‘Jews’ loyal to the Cult of Judah, become legally ‘persons’. At which time the ‘nations’ become their slaves. And those who will not serve the Cult of Judah, whether apostate/heretic/emancipated ‘Jews’, or ‘Gentiles’, are to be slaughtered, according to the Old Testament role models.

That’s one of those ‘secrets hidden in plain sight’. The ‘fine print’ of the ‘Good News’ is that if you are resurrected, it will be as a slave to the Cult of Judah.

‘The New Jerusalem’ is a matrix of several City States which have retained their independence over 3000 years. These are The London Financial District / City of London (which the Vatican supported ‘William the Butcher’ never ‘occupied’, and which thus retains complete sovereignty to this day), the Vatican City, and Washington D.C.

Anyone can check themselves to discover that these ‘City States’ are sovereign states accountable unto THEMSELVES and no-one else. They exist within Nation States as independent, sovereign, powers, with their own laws and government. That fact that Washington D.C rules over the U.S.A, as the Vatican once ruled over Italy, and the City of London openly ruled over England before 1066, doesn’t change its legal structure as an independent state.

Note that, under the U.S Constitution, Washington D.C had NO powers to tax the states, nor to impose ANY laws upon them. This was the REAL reason for the rebellion of the ‘Southern States’ and the ‘American Civil War’. NOT slavery. Lincoln is quoted as stating ‘If I could end this civil war without freeing a single slave, I would’. The ‘slavery’ issue was adopted as a public relations necessity, to offer the public some ‘excuse’, some publically acceptable ‘reason’, to ‘legitimate’ a war that was costing tax payers the lives of their children, and their treasure.

That independent Cult of Judah city state, Washington D.C, imposed a Federal Reserve Banking system secretly introduced on Christmas Eve by Wilson, the ‘Old Testament’ ‘Christian’. Wilson later broke his promise to his electors and sent U.S soldiers to invade Germany, to destroy it, just like the King of Persia in the Old Testament, for the Cult of Judah. He also introduced the Federal Income Tax system. Few people realise that the IRS is a private corporation operating out of Costa Rica. And that federal income taxes are NOT legal. The legislation required to make the collection of any taxes by the federal government were NEVER ratified by the states. People are bankrupted and imprisoned for not paying taxes which are NOT constitutional. They are not legal. They are basically extortion. Criminal extortion. The IRS forces people to pay taxes, and interest on unpaid taxes, and fines, by the use of physical violence. In fact the IRS is today better armed and more militarized than many small nations.

The IRS does NOT want you to be able to resist their unlawful seizure of your property. Or their unlawful entry of your private property. Or their unlawful seizure of your private documents. Or their unlawful invasion of your privacy. They HATE your liberties and freedoms. It is not foreign terrorists who have it in for you. It is the IRS. It is the Cult of Judah occupation government that both carried out false flags like nine eleven and the Oklahoma City bombing, and which has literally STOLEN your legal rights, liberties, and freedoms, using their own terrorist actions as the ‘justification’.

Remember, all this was done ‘UNDER GOD’. The Cult of Judah’s ‘god’. YHWH.

When you consider all the ALTERNATIVE GOD’S that were available, it must break the heart of any freedom loving, peace loving, justice loving, equality loving, truly SPIRITUAL, person, that the entire WESTERN CIVILISATION was infected with, and colonized by, the WORST OF ALL POSSIBLE GODS and CULTS. Which we of course think of as ‘religions’, simply because they ARE the dominant hegemonic, naturalized, normalised, CULT belief systems.

So many people who IMAGINE themselves to be ADVERSARIES of the Cult of Judah, are actually, unwittingly, Cult of Judah Affiliates and Agents. COJA. Christians, Muslims, Marxists, Global Climate Tipping Point-ists, and most ‘New Ageists’. Not to mention the straw man socialists, capitalists, and even anarchists.

Presidents Wilson and Roosevelt were used just like the role models in the Torah, to destroy Germany, which the Cult of Judah considered its greatest potential competitor / adversary. Hitler was the last world leader to actively seek to oppose the Cult of Judah’s plans to enslave humanity. National Socialism was the last ideology that actively resisted the Cult of Judah, and actively fought to emancipate both ‘Jews’ and ‘Gentiles’ alike from the Cult of Judah’s slavery. King Herod the Great was the first historically documented leader to attempt to emancipate and liberate the ‘Jews’ from the Cult of Judah. Though the Torah claims that much earlier on in the history of the original ‘State of Israel’, the people rose ups AGAINST their Cult of Judah tyrants, who fled to Babylon (as they later fled to the U.S) and then, after having somehow convinced the Babylonian elites to support them, returned to Israel (just as they have today) with the military and financial backing of the Babylonian rulers (just as today they have the U.S.A elites totally in the palm of their hands), and FORCED the ‘Jews’ to SUBMIT to their renewed rule.

Yes it has taken me DECADES to discover all these ‘secrets hidden out in the open’. I am no genius. Just an honest seeker of truths. A ‘recovering Christian’ who was ‘woken from my dogmatic slumbers’ just like Wittgenstein, with the help of true philosophical geniuses like David Hume, from ‘whom’ we all have so much to learn.

When you are in the THRALL of cult mind control, it is impossible to see things as they REALLY are. The ONLY socially acceptable means of ‘speaking truth to power’ and ‘offending people’s sensibilities’, has been HUMOUR. The ONLY person at court ALLOWED to speak the ‘inconvenient’ truth to the King, was the court JESTER.

Of course today the Cult of Judah are censoring even that last voice of reason, criticism, and truth. Making it a crime to publish ANYTHING that a Cult of Judah infected sheeple finds ‘offensive’ and ‘hurtful of their feelings’.

So I’d better act quickly in publishing this. And hopefully finding some people to help me ‘produce’ the following comedy sketches.

Umberto Ecco’s character in ‘The Name of the Rose’ recognised the POWER of humor OVER brainwashing and FEAR of Cult superstition, when he wanted to BAN laughter.

Humor has been, until recently, the universally socially accepted way in which TRUTH can be communicated, in public, in cases where we are NOT ‘preaching to the choir’, and really ARE attempting to offer people with NO existing interest in what we have to say, and often a violent, conditioned, emotional, knee-jerk, destructive-malicious-malevolent REACTION to what we have to say.

My sister would call it a ‘trick’. Yes Monika, philosophers are forced to TRICK people into reasoning. Into considering compelling arguments. Into attending to FACTS and compelling arguments. Often into SEEING the obvious. The ‘secrets hidden out in the open’. To ACKNOWLEGE the contradictions in their own belief systems. To acknowledge the FACTS. And then to logically follow the CONSEQUENCES of these facts. To SEE the faulty / erroneous / unfounded assumptions upon which MOST of their most trusted beliefs is based. To SEE and ADMIT to themselves, that MOST of what they ‘KNOW’ is mere HEARSAY.

The third movie of ‘The Matrix’ trilogy was probably the ‘final straw’ for me. I saw it decades after it was released. The brothers who made that film, or the original writers of the ideas in it, joined the final dots for me.

And the fact that I get ZERO support for my work, when it is clearly the ONLY complete and ‘workable’ description, and solution, of the problem we face, finally revealed to me that I was dealing with people whose MINDS had been colonized. Pre-emptively. By the Cult of Judah. Colonized with the very IDEA of ‘race’. And thus the SEEDS of ‘race-ism’. And the very IDEA of ‘god’ and ‘chosen people’ and a ‘promised land’ and the very ‘MORAL’ LEGITIMACY of slavery. And pre-emptive strikes. War crimes. Crimes against humanity. Genocide. Rape. Theft. Inquisitions. Torture. TAXATION. Mind control. Social conditioning. Propaganda.

The Cult of Judah has colonized YOUR MINDS. So that your MOST treasured beliefs are your WORST ENEMIES. Your natural allies come to be defined, through the distorting lens / prism / propaganda / social conditioning / education / mass media mis-representation / censorship/ filters of the Cult of Judah ‘cradle to grave full spectrum mind control, as your enemies. While YOUR worst enemy, the enemy of HUMANITY, comes to be defined as your SAVIOR. Your best ally. Your best friend. Your MESSIAH. And so you swear ALLEGIANCE to the Cult of Judah, as the PROXIES of the ‘God’ you accept as your sovereign tyrannical overlord.

Laying on the ground, in the bedroom of my best friend, Konrad, as a teenager, I expressed the idea that the problem we all faced, that the people of the world face, is that we are all rowing a boat together. But we are all rowing different directions. So we don’t get where we want to go. And THAT is what the Cult of Judah has ensured our history has been defined by. We go to war against each other, slaughtering each other, when we were NEVER natural enemies. We only BECAME ‘threats’ to each other because the ‘beneficiary classes’ WANTED us to wage war, for THEIR benefit. And the Cult of Judah has BECOME the hegemonic ruling elite of this world. At least since WWI. Europe went to war for the OLD reasons of territory and subjects for the Nobility / Kings. However the U.S declared war on GERMANY under Cult of Judah occupation. And WWII was the RESULT of the ‘Treaty of Versailles’ which Wilson NEVER ratified, and thus was a CRIMINAL act. The Cult of Judah OCCUPIED U.S government then manipulated both Japan and Germany to declare war on the U.S.

The U.S, under Cult of Judah occupation from the very start, though unobtrusively, via their ‘God’ and their ‘Religion’, and then their ‘Federal Reserve Banking System’ and then ‘Internal Revenue Service’, and then their ‘Christian Zionism’, with Christian Zionists carefully occupying the top levels of the CIA and FBI (by using the myth of ‘lie detection’ to filter OUT anyone who was NOT a Zionist from gaining employment with the CIA, FBI, or ANY OTHER law enforcement agency, or even supplier TO such government agencies, such as private security firms like ‘Blackwater’ and ‘Controlled Demolition’) to carry out such false flags as ‘The Maine’ and ‘U.S.S Liberty’ and ‘The Oklahoma City bombing’, ‘The Port Arthur Massacre’, ‘Nine Eleven’ and produce FAKE incidents like ‘The Gulf of Tonkin incident’ and ‘Sandy Hook’ and ‘Las Vegas Shooting’ and ‘Boston Marathon bombing’, in order to ‘justify’ ‘The Patriot Act’ and disarmament of the general public, in order to ‘pacify’ any potential active resistance when the FACTS of Cult of Judah occupation, and its ‘Jew’ World Order became IMPOSSIBLE to hide even WITH the full spectrum propaganda machine and the full resources of the occupation government, and all the PRIVATE armies, mercenaries, mind-controllers, religious leaders, mass media presenters, military counter-intelligence agencies, and so on.

Please read ALL my TROONATNOOR publications and watch ALL my TROONATNOOR videos. I cannot do more than I have done. It is up to YOU to invest the time and energy into understanding what I have made as easy to understand as possible. But it will take SOME effort on your part. And you WILL have to abandon some of your most ‘prized’ illusions, lies, deceptions, fantasies, benefits, beliefs, and what you THOUGH you ‘knew’, as mere ‘hearsay’.

I CAN promise you I have BETTER alternative beliefs and ideas to REPLACE your current Cult of Judah programming.

I will publish this as soon as I get internet access. Meanwhile I will start working on the ‘comedy sketch’. And trying to figure out how to ‘produce’ it myself, if no-one, as usual, steps up to offer me any help.

All the best.

Go Vegan, for as you do unto other sentient beings, so shall be done unto you. When you WILL injustice, and abuse of power in what you perceive to be YOUR self-interest, then you WILL that same INTENTION as a principle for ALL sentient beings, and thus are DOOMED to be ‘hoisted by your own petard’.

This day NO ‘lord’ has made, Sept.6, in the year of our Cult of Judah occupation via their proxy / re-branded subsidiary ‘Christianity’, 2019.

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