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 3 years ago (edited)

Can you please confirm that these photos are all taken by you and do not belong to anybody else?

 3 years ago (edited)

Don't bother answering that.

I want to tell you that I am not an expert taking photographs, but in each photo session I try to give my best and in my editions, it makes me very happy to send you these beautiful photos, I do it with great affection.

These photos aren't yours. They belong to Jou Roig Badenes - An Austrian national.

These images have been plagiarised from...

and mostly from

Please accept this as your 1st plagiarism warning and whilst I continue to investigate all of your other content, I suggest that you remove all of the plagiarised content from your profile before I find the original sources.

 3 years ago 


Good photography, greetings 🌱

 3 years ago 

Muchas gracias por tu visita 🤗


 3 years ago 

Excellent photos of the inhabitants of the park. You are lucky to be there and see these beautiful animals. I see they are not afraid of people at all :))

 3 years ago 

Gracias por tu visita amigo @bambuka, si los animales del parque no le temen a las personas 🤭

 3 years ago 

The main thing is that people are not afraid of animals)))

 3 years ago (edited)

Upvote removed and downvoted for plagiarism!

 3 years ago 

Muchísimas gracias amigo @stef1 por el apoyo que me brindas, estoy dando lo mejor de mi apoyando para que esta comunidad crezca, muy agradecida con tu apoyo 😍🤗

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