Achivement 4 // APPLYING MARKDOWN By victoh78

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Hey everyone it's your money hungry man victoh. Here to educate you all on markdowns. I must say this has been very educative for me as well as it's going to be for most of you. I have been using steem for a while and I see alot of cool things and I always wonder how do they do it well. Wonder no more I got your backs. Just relax and read .

Markdown is a plain text formatting syntax voodooaimed at making writing for the internet easier. The philosophy behind Markdown is that plain text documents should be readable without tags mussing everything up, but there should still be ways to add text modifiers like lists, bold, italics, etc.
It’s possible you’ve encountered Markdown without realizing it. Facebook chat, Skype, and Reddit all let you use different flavors of Markdown to format your messages.
Six of my favourite markdowns
To make a word bold all you have to do is include # before the word and space the more "#" the smaller the word gets
And so on
Centering markdown
To center a word all you have to do is
To bolden a word
To indicate a work is cited
Attaching links
To make a word a link
Align left and right use this

view raw works
And here's my favourite so for a while I see so many awesome works on steemit and I always wonder how they do it.
Well here is how it's done
All you have to do is change the "it" to "d" like this
This new link would show you how the work was with all the markdowns
In a special way I would like to appreciate @swaylee once more for inviting me to steemit its been a rollercoaster and alot of fun this past months I hope to keep learning more everyday from using this platform.
Definition of markdown was gotten from
All screenshots were gotten from my device
@victoh78, your achievement task has been verified successfully. You may now continue with the next achievement task in the series.
Task rate-3
Thank you very much sir but you haven't updated my tag. I just say let me remind you because it can leave your mind.