A few days ago, I happened to visit someone.

in APPICS12 days ago

A few days ago, I happened to visit someone...!
Housewife Mamma's cousin seemed to be very well-mannered and friendly. As soon as she saw me, she happily said come to Laiba's room. She was also missing you.
Laiba is her 18-year-old daughter who is doing FSC and free from Exim. Laiba was lying in a dark room with headphones on her ears.
The setup of the room was so bad that I was upset, now the aunty quickly wrapped up the things and started asking me how I was doing with a shy and embarrassed tone. Sit down, there is such a "Khalara" in every house. Although this is just to erase their fear, it is not like that.
Well, aunty went to make tea, so I took Laiba with open hands and said, "You are an animal, you are sitting there spreading such a mess." She replied, "You didn't come to work today, my younger siblings did it. I had a headache.
But I repeated what my mother used to say
"Even a dog sits somewhere, nor does it sit after cleaning some place by wagging its tail."
It is not clean if you shine yourself.
Mothers have to pay attention to make their girls responsible, intelligent and well-mannered as they were trained earlier. Make up your mind that an eighteen-year-old girl should be a householder, even if the bread is not round, but you It should be put on.
Learn from childhood to keep the house clean, to keep things in order, such mothers are self-absorbed like aunties, and they keep cursing like us.
May Allah give all the comforts of the world to every daughter, but if the training is complete, then the comforts will be enhanced.
We have abandoned the education of both girls and boys in love, only in the cycle of education, grades, marks and degrees, the mental development of children has become very weak.
I have seen PHD girls puzzled and worried in their in-laws because they failed in the household. But our mothers, sisters, daughters handle the big in-laws. I read it somewhere

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