|| The Diary Game || 26- 11- 2023 || my Sunday activities....
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Hello hindwhale community and members, greetings to you all , I trust you all enjoy and had amazing Sunday, I'm happy to share my first diary game with you all, journey with me as I share to you how my day went.
screenshot from my jw library.
I woke up to realized it was raining since the night but I couldn't heard because I was out of stressed because I slept last night, the cold weather is making it complicated to move out of house at least to do some house chores so I begin with reading my daily text, then I went out to brush and took breakfast as usual, I actually force myself to do other necessary house chores like sweeping and the likes of it, Sunday like this is always a free to me which I do navigate it to what I like doing.
After finishing doing the necessary house chores, I took my bath and took I short rest, when it clocked 10 AM I went to service(church) to eat my spiritual food, I learnt a lot today, we hardly find people that exercise patient in our recent world, patient is one crucial attitude everyone need to exercise because it help us to be calm when someone sin against us but the truth is that been patient is difficult because we're in the last day and people are deeply stubborn and full of hate speech, I never regret attending meeting not even today.
Afternoon session |
picture is taken from my phone
It was raining after meeting was over so we had to wait before we could reach out to people I mean going to field service ( preaching), it was already 12 at noon when it stopped raining so we went move out, on our way going we saw this road, tractor has spoiled it all, they scratch it with tractor and it become swampy, everyone had to be careful to avoid falling in to the swampy road. The people living around the road are in great suffering because when it rains heavy in everyone yard until it's fully sunny season.
picture is taken from my phone
picture is taken from my phone
we finally reached the territory entrance which is territory number 2, but before we start preaching we had to separate people in three groups because we were many, since the territory is a little large we had to distribute group by group in different street to earn easy preaching, you can see the smiles on people face and confirm that we always archive a great happiness each and everyday we reach out to people, preaching to people is always our priority and we don't joke with it.
I came back home after two happily but I was a little sleepy because of the Cold weather condition so I took a short sleep and wake up by pass three, my phone was almost dying so I rushed to the nearest bet9ja to charged my phone, there I watched live match, it was Tottenham Hotspur and Aston villa playing and the both teams was really impressive but they loss many chances to score, apart from lossing chances I must compliment they played a good football which first half end up 1:1 draw.
picture is taken from my phone.
I really love playing football in real life not just watching live in startime, I wen straight to the field to play my best hubby although I'm not really okay, I experienced malaria since in the morning, @allison001 and @crystal247 also came to play, @alloson001 and @crystal247 collaborate together with others player while I choose my own player so we played six aside.
The ball was really tight as both opponent played well, you may wonder which team won like say the match was really tight so we end up draw 0:0, no side score, it's second time we draw, I came back home to bath but my sickness seems to be more disturbing than before so I struggle to share my day with #steemit, goodnight to you all.
I'll love to invite @allison001 @bossj23 and @crystal247 to Join me in this contest.
Thank you all for checking on my post 🥰.
We would like to thank you for publishing your article in the Hind Whale Community community today. Based on our review of your article, we have come to the following conclusion:
• Hi @kidi40, thanks for selecting us for posting your diary. Have a nice day.
• Thank you for sharing your post with us. I'm sure you had a great day.
• Kindly Engage with other users.
• We are delighted to welcome you to this community and we look forward to working with you in the future. Your hard work and positive attitude will certainly be an asset to our community, and we know you won't let us down in any way.
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Regards, @dove11(Moderator) Hind Whale Community
Hola amiguito que gusto saludarte por aquí y conocer tus actividades del día.
Me alegra mucho ver como jóvenes como tú dedican su vida a servir a nuestro Dios Jehová y también poder llevar el mensaje de salvación a otras personas a traves de la predicación casa a casa no importa el lugar del mundo donde nos encontremos la actividad es la misma.
Gracias por compartirlo.
Yesterday was full of fun, thanks for the invite bro.
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