SEC-S19 / W1 | " Power of communication skill" By @fabiha #club5050
Hello, ladies and gentlemen. I Hope you all are fine and happy in your lives. Today, I am very happy to be a part of this steemit engagment challenge Season 19. So don't wait let me start this.
Communication is very important in today world. When you can express yourself clearly then you can achieve your goals and succeed in life. Good communication helps in all areas personal, school and work. It builds strong relationships or solves problems and gets things done.
Do you agree with the statement "Communication skill is the power"? Why or why not?
I agree with that statement "Communication skill is the power" because it is very important in this era of modern world. Good communication skills help us build confidence and allowing us to speak clearly and comfortably in any situation. Without them you know it is hard to express our thoughts and ideas and it will make us difficult to succeed.
As an example: Suppose you are right, but people thinks that you are wrong, and you are afraid to speak that you are right, and you are not conveying your message it is just because of lack of your communication skill if you have a good communication skill you can easily convey your message and easily you can make sure that you are right.
Can you provide an example of situation where "Communication skill is the power"?
Yes, let me provide you the example of situation where communication skill is the power, My Example is my brother experience for me which shows me the power of communication skills. He is currently studying computer science in a private university (PAF Kiet) in Karachi Pakistan and the time 2023 when his university is off, He was working part time in digital marketing. Because of this his communication skills are very good because his work is to find USA client. Sometimes before not knowing much about his field, he needed an internship at a software house. His own skills of computer science are not good. He and his friends applied for an internship in a software house and were called for an interview. His friends, who were better students, having better skills answered the interview questions well but didn’t stand out. When it was my brother's turn, he used his excellent communication skills to tell engaging stories and connect with the interviewer 😂. He made a great impression and got the internship Alhamdulillah; it shows how communication skills can create opportunities.
Some historical examples where "Communication skill is the power" led to significant change?
History also shows so many examples of how communication skills can lead to big changes. One example is General Zia's decision to start United Nations General Assembly sessions with a recitation from the Quran. This tradition, begun by General Zia, continues today, showing how effective communication can create lasting traditions.
Another example is that some time ago, in the presence of Turkey's President Tayyab Erdogan, a military coup took place in which overthrowing the government seemed like a certainty, meaning it was confirmed that the government would be overthrown. However, what happened was somewhat different. Due to Tayyab Erdogan's excellent performance and his communication skills, he had won the hearts of his people. The public stood up to the military on the streets, coming out in masses, lying down on the roads, and ultimately crushing the military coup.

How can one improve their communication skills ?
Improving communication skills is easy. Talk to people, join discussions and practice speaking in front of a mirror. Public speaking opportunities are also helpful. The key is to practice regularly as this leads to improvement.
In conclusion, communication skills are indeed powerful. They help us connect with others, create opportunities, and drive change. By improving our communication skills, we can navigate the modern world with greater ease and confidence.
Thank you
Yours, @fabiha
Hi @fabiha, the example with your brother was good. I wish there will be more young people who without hesitation could show their skills and ability to speak up without thinking what others will think about them.
What we are young we often think about such situation. I am glad that your brother got internship :)
Thank You So much for this valuable feedback.
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The art of communication is such a wide subject that covers every aspect of life, The one who understands the value of communication skills reaches places since no one can stop him from reaching the top. My best wishes for the contest!
Thanks for this valuable Feedback.
¡Hola @fabiha!
Me encantó tu post sobre la importancia de las habilidades de comunicación.
La historia de tu hermano es realmente inspiradora, y también es un excelente ejemplo, de cómo la comunicación efectiva puede abrir puertas y crear oportunidades 😃
Simplemente,tu contenido es maravilloso, amiga.
Para agregar algo más a tu publicación, aquí van algunos tips adicionales para mejorar la comunicación, y que yo mismo aplico mis disertaciones cuando me toca presentar un negocio, enseñar sobre teología, o hablar de historia:
Escucha activa: Presto muchas atención a lo que dicen los demás, muestro interés y hago preguntas relevantes.
Lenguaje corporal: Uso gestos y expresiones faciales que refuerzan mi mensaje.
Claridad y concisión: Soy claro y directo al comunicar mis ideas para evitar malentendidos.
Empatía: Me pongo en el lugar del otro, y esto me puede ayudar a conectar mejor y a transmitir mis mensajes de manera más efectiva.
¿Podrías compartir alguna técnica específica que tu hermano utilizó para mejorar sus habilidades de comunicación?
Sería genial poder aplicar una nueva técnica a mi vida comunicacional ☺️
Thank you so much for this valuable feedback and your suggestions i will definitely keep it in my mind.
yes, the technique of my brother i would absolutely share with you, he gives importance to everyone like if someone talk to him, He will definitely listen carefully then he will comment, because of this people like him.
best Regards, @fabiha
Hey friend I really appreciate everything you are doing, good communication is the key and we all need to practice it. Good communication is always good . If one have this skill he or she will be able to express themselves wherever the go. I wish you success my friend
I love your alignment and design .And i like your perspective regarding communication.
Good luck .