"Pick a Word, Paint a Story #12"
My selected word for this contest by @senehasa is "Faith" and I wish to invite @casv, @solperez and @josepha.
Our faith is the basis of our life. Every religion teaches the same thing in different forms. Having faith in God makes the journey of life smooth. But is it possible to live only on the basis of faith? I don't think so!
Even a small child sitting on the lap of the mother grabs whatever comes into his hand even when he knows nothing about falling down. In case he feels a jolt, he gets alert as if he will be saved from falling down when he gets hold of his mom; that's his faith.
We often hear that God helps only those who try to help themselves. Isn't it purely a matter of faith? This is true to some extent. But this is the reason that even those who consider themselves religious and always chant the name of God are not able to be free from the worries of daily life. Even they try to make their messed-up work better by making some kind of manipulation.
But when a difficult situation comes and it seems that things are no longer in our control, then we completely return to God's refuge and leave everything to Him. He not only gives them the strength to fight the difficulties but also to live with them.
What is that thing that shakes our faith? It is uncertainty! It stops us before we can move towards our goal. We want to decide the result of everything we do, whereas nothing is certain in life. Without a little confusion, a little uncertainty, we cannot learn anything and move forward. We are afraid of change, but our growth lies in accepting it. Faith saves us from the fear of change and helps us move forward. So it's all about faith and nothing else.
Nobel Prize-winning writer and poet of our country, Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore, has written that the bird that starts singing in the darkness before the dawn has faith in the arrival of the morning. The atheists like me accept it in our own way even if we deny His existence. But don't you think that even the distrust in Him is some kind of faith?
I think I have read a philosopher who used to deny the existence of God. But at the same time, he also used to say that if a common man develops disbelief towards God, then he will start denying everyone.
Similarly, I have read a historian who, like me, also hated religious principles and considered them socially useful. This faith is like a doctor telling his patient, "You have a serious disease, and now only God can save you."
If you ask the doctor if he himself believes in God, he will say, "I am a doctor, not a priest."
When even an unbeliever believes in the importance of faith, what can be said about a believer? I remember once when we were on a boat ride in the Nainital lake, a terrible storm came. That was evening time and a sudden outage of power, so I could not see where to take the boat since there were other boats in close vicinity.
My daughter asked me, "Aren't you feeling scared?"
My wife answered before me, "Have you no faith on your father? You should not be afraid because I know that your father knows how to row a boat very well."
I think that although I do not show it off, perhaps this is the faith I have in my God. This faith gives us strength in times of struggle. The feeling of His being always with us gives us the courage to face dangers.
I understand that if we express our feelings in simple words like this or if we remember Him in difficult times with a true mindset, then there is nothing to worry about. I believe even if I do not have any special faith in God or my life does not depend on what He has given to me, but I trust in what my attitude towards life is. Not on what is going on in my mind but on how my mind accepts it.
It is our dogmatism to ask only good for ourselves because everyone has to take their share of happiness and sorrow. Faith gives a different confidence to your mind, but showing off makes no difference.
Excelente reflexión sobre la fe. Sin lugar a dudas la fe es un sentimiento de esperanza que está incrustado en nuestro ser aunque no lo identifiquemos como tal, este florece en los momentos de dificultades o avasallamiento, como un recurso de sobrevivencia. Es el motor que nos impulsa a seguir adelante, es una actitud que desafía y enfrenta nuestra vida para bien o para mal.
Gracias por tu invitación, saludos y éxitos..!
Faith is trusting something even when we cannot see it. Some claim that they are not believing God, but when they face an accident or uncurable illness, they turn to God. But I strongly believe in God because it gives us hope, strength, and courage.
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