HEAVY RAIN for PlayStation 3.

in #heavy-rain3 years ago

Disappeared what do you mean disappeared stay here I'll go get him I'll be right back Jason they said I wrote down here that


I should yell Jason Jason at you for about five minutes but I'm going to spare everyone listening and just get right into it heavy rain is a murder mystery adventure game in which you

play through four protagonists separate storylines that all convene sooner or later by the finale throughout the game your actions and the decisions you make directly determine the outcome of the

game their action sequences which are played out through a series of button cues this game was developed by Quantic Dream creators of Indigo Prophecy a title I haven't played but also carries

the same interesting angle of cinematic storytelling Ethan what happened the police they're out there I think they're here to arrest you this game was obviously made in France for a

few reasons for one the accents of the voice actors bleed through on numerous occasions especially with the children second there is nudity not necessarily gratuitous but casual nudity that's

right Guys and Dolls you get to see some dude buttons some lady Tatas my last point of France de Miz obviously the red balloon of course the little boy is going to pick the red balloon

they have a whole film dedicated to that which balloon would you like Jason the red one I was disenchanted with heavy rain before I even picked it up

it mostly had to do with all the decisions you know tough it is for me just to decide what to eat for dinner it's like a constant battle do I have

pizza I could always make mashed potatoes oh my god there's leftover Chinese where do the options end heavy rain is like my worst nightmare so for those reasons I waited almost a year

after heavy rains initial release to sit down and play it when I started I expected to feel a little more attached in a title that rests solely on the laurels of you caring what happens to

the protagonist the connection didn't initially come across the lack of interaction options felt suffocating at times 95% of the time you're slowly moving about in an environment a

nd the other 5% you're required to pay so much attention to the button cues that you can't even tell what your successive presses are doing but amazingly the further

I pressed into this title the more I realized that heavy rain is actually fun it's a good game that's buried under about three hours of detached

and sometimes annoying gameplay looking right at you x2 Jason it took work to get to the real meat of the game but in the end it all felt strangely

worthwhile the turning point for me was in the doctor's house with Madison I felt legitimately uneasy and sick throughout that whole chapter from there on out I became fully immersed

in the game and spent the last six hours on the edge of my seat okay spinning by the time the large amount of cinematic epilogues played the overall concept had tightly wrapped

itself around my brain and I found myself thoroughly entertained I was still plotting future gameplay where I would do everything wrong screw saving

Shaun and lose every fight attempt to kill off important characters and let indecision roll even though my intentions were evil this game

med sucked me in clocking in at around 9 hours Quantic Dream managed to make me serious using plot only plot I hated the controls is my least favorite thing

in any game design is press X not to die and was weirded out by the look of the characters even on its hardest setting heavy rain wasn't even an

incredibly challenging game but the plot worked at times I even found myself cheering on characters or feeling my heart racing as

I button queued my way through fights so by the end of this game you will know who the killer is and there will probably be a commenter who ruins the whole thing for you via the anonymity

of YouTube but there is replayability in heavy rain compatibility has been released for the PlayStation Move which offers a new facet to gameplay but that's merely superfluous

I was left with further curiosity as how I could affect the game and what different endings I could receive not just that but how I could manage to screw up certain chapters

and how it would play out if I did everything wrong curiosity will kill this cat but I'm ok with it this PlayStation exclusive title is well worth your time and money

and teaches you the important lesson of why people who make origami are inherently evil.

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