(Giving direction to your day)
Ola Aina
Friday 30th July, 2021
Text: “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things...” Jeremiah 33:3
I think we should just start our lesson today by thanking God for the privilege of prayer. Thank you Lord for the privilege to pray. Today I will conclude our lesson on prayer by sharing a few thoughts with you. I will be so glad to read your feedback on this lesson.
The basis for prayer is not just because we have a problem but because God has promised to answer. The willingness of God to answer is far more important and greater than our need to pray. We must understand clearly that God has promised to answer us, he has answered before and he will answer again. Jabez prayed and God answered (1 Chron 4:10), Elijah prayed again and again and God answered (James 5:17-18).
Prayer therefore is a major expression of our confidence in God. When we truly come to God in prayer we come on the basis of our confidence in his ability and capacity. We make request on people based on what we perceive they can do for us. When we don’t pray it simply means our confidence in God is weak or completely absent.
Lack of prayer is an expression of pride. It’s an attitude of declaring self-independence from God. This is really a dangerous posture to life. When we find prayer unnecessary we are indirectly saying we can handle life by ourselves. Some people also have the impression that its only people who have problems who pray; no, a thousand times no. we need God as must as your lungs needs oxygen.
Prayer that comes from the heart is a place of renewal, strength and direction.
Lord I declare that you are my everything. You are my strength and anchor in the midst of the storms.
LEARN MORE: Psalm 34:4-8, Isaiah 40:29-31
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