A NEW SONG | 20% to @heartchurch
Jacob turned into a fugitive due to his misleading way of life. He fled from the safe place of his dad's estate into an unknown place.
Over the course of his flight, he arrived at where his strength couldn't carry him any more, thus he stop to rest, utilizing a stone as his pillow. He was worn out to such an extent that he didn't feel the hardness of the stone on which he laid his head.
He even slept so profoundly that he had a dream! At the point when he woke up the next morning, he made a promise that showed his franticness and dejected state of mind.
Fortunately, in Genesis 32:9-10, we see this same Jacob singing a new song, showing that he had turned into a new person who had been honored past his wildest imagination.
His testimony shows that when the Lord in His superb magnificence shows a individual His mercy, that person's song will change.
How marvellous it is that a one man on the run with simply a shepherd's staff could now affirm that God's favor had multiple him enormously, so he now had a huge family, two groups of men, woman, and arranged herds of sheep and bulls.
One more incredible illustration of a person who was given a new song to sing was Hannah. The Bible speaks about her bitterness of soul but she prayed unto the Lord. Her prayer was answered, therefore she sang a new song.
Just as the Lord changed Hannah's song, He can change your song as well.
What son has been singing this year? Have you been dejected and sad in light of the fact that things have not been working out for you?
The Lord is prepared to change your song before this year runs out. Just believe His word and hold His words to you.