Dios con nosotros | God with us

in HeartChurch5 years ago

Bienvenidos queridos hermanos!

Juan 6: 16-21

16 Al anochecer, descendieron sus discípulos al mar,
17 y entrando en una barca, iban cruzando el mar hacia Capernaum. Estaba ya oscuro, y Jesús no había venido a ellos.
18 Y se levantaba el mar con un gran viento que soplaba.
19 Cuando habían remado como veinticinco o treinta estadios, vieron a Jesús que andaba sobre el mar y se acercaba a la barca; y tuvieron miedo.
20 Mas él les dijo: Yo soy; no temáis.
21 Ellos entonces con gusto le recibieron en la barca, la cual llegó en seguida a la tierra adonde iban.
RVR 1960



No conozco las vueltas que puede tener tu vida en este día. Posiblemente estés viviendo horas agitadas por problemas puntuales: una enfermedad incurable, la muerte de un ser amado, la perdida de tu trabajo o un desencuentro sentimental.

Tengo buenas noticias para ti en este día. Déjame contarte brevemente una historia llena de amor.

Jesús tenia un amigo en la aldea de Betania que se llamaba Lázaro.

La biblia dice que lo amaba mucho. Allí, frecuentemente Jesús pasaba horas compartiendo con esa familia. Un día le mandaron a decir a Jesús, que el amigo que él amaba estaba enfermo. Noten que la biblia dice que Jesús lo amaba. Esto ya me resulta maravilloso. Jesús nos amo primero y dio su vida en rescate por nosotros.
Mas tarde Jesús acudió al sepelio, pero llego cuando su amigo había sido enterrado. Entonces, al recibir la noticia se estremeció y lloró por su amigo Lázaro.

¿Sabias que uno de los nombres de Jesús es Emmanuel,que quiere decir Dios con nosotros?.

Si, no importa cual sea tu drama en este día. Jesús esta a nuestro lado para mezclarse con nuestro dolor. Él quiere compartir con nosotros los momentos felices y aquellos que son tristes y traumáticos.

Te animo en este día. El que te ama tiene el control de todas las cosas y quiere ayudarte en esta jornada compartiendo tus lagrimas, como lo hizo en la aldea de Betania.

Hoy podemos decir: "Gracias, Dios que estas con nosotros".

Dios esta a nuestro lado y quiere compartir con nosotros.

Inspirado en la lectura de alimento para el alma, publicado originalmente en mi blog hive

Gracias por tu visita!

Welcome dear brothers!

John 6: 16-21

16 In the evening his disciples went down into the sea,
17 and entering a boat, they were crossing the sea towards Capernaum. It was already dark, and Jesus had not come to them.
18 And the sea rose with a great wind that blew.
19 When they had rowed about twenty-five or thirty stadia, they saw Jesus walking over the sea and approaching the boat; and they were afraid.
20 But he said to them: I am; fear not.
21 Then they gladly received him in the boat, which immediately reached the land where they were going.
RVR 1960



I do not know the turns your life can have on this day. Possibly you are living troubled hours due to specific problems: an incurable disease, the death of a loved one, the loss of your job or a sentimental misunderstanding.

I have good news for you on this day. Let me briefly tell you a story full of love.

Jesus had a friend in the village of Bethany whose name was Lazarus.

The bible says that she loved him very much. There, Jesus frequently spent hours sharing with that family. One day they sent him to tell Jesus that the friend he loved was sick. Notice that the Bible says that Jesus loved him. This is already wonderful for me. Jesus first loved us and gave his life as a ransom for us.
Later Jesus went to the funeral, but he arrived when his friend had been buried. Then, upon receiving the news, he shuddered and cried for his friend Lázaro.

Did you know that one of the names of Jesus is Emmanuel, which means God with us?

Yes, it doesn't matter what your drama is on this day. Jesus is by our side to mix with our pain. He wants to share with us happy moments and those that are sad and traumatic.

I encourage you on this day. He who loves you is in control of all things and wants to help you on this journey by sharing your tears, as he did in the village of Bethany.

Today we can say: "Thank you, God that you are with us."

God is by our side and wants to share with us.

Inspired by reading food for the soul, originally posted on my hive blog

Thanks for your visit!

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