1 Timothy 3:11 (NKJV)
• It gets better in the Ministry work as you progressed in it.
- God does things progressively and systematically.
ALL God has for you will not be gotten in a day.
IF you want to be great and fulfil your assignment, you have to be patient with God.
DO not have a plan of your own besides that of God for your life.
KNOW that good idea is not God’s idea.
• Pastor Mrs
- If your husband is a minister, that is, he is virtually on the work fully; then you HAVE to be patient with God.
DO not device or think up a plan or means to work things out for your life and the ministry.
THERE is a price to pay, if one is called into the Ministry work, especially if your husband is the founder.
THE initial stage of the Ministry work used to be rough and tough, especially if you are pioneering a new work.
PATIENCE and a lot of endurance is needed.
KNOW that it gets BETTER in the ministry over time—as time passes. - Some ministers' wives have pushed their husbands out of the Ministry work because of impatient and lack of endurance.
• Agitation
A minister’s wife because of her agitation for success talked or persuaded her husband to agree with her way of thinking; she persuaded him to agree with her to start a business in an addition to her teaching Job, and the man consented.
HOWEVER, after a period of time, she left the business and decided to travel abroad seeking for a greener pastures: in order to work and make Money, she left the husband and the children.
- Although her husband consented to it, the traveling, but I perceived it was not with all his heart.
- Her reason for travelling overseas was that THEIR children are growing up and their Ministry is not thriving; besides, her salary in the teaching job may not be able to meet the needs of the children's academic pursuit.
• Now, the reason might seem genuine and reasonable in the humanity sights; however, in God’s sight, it is not genuine.
- Since she is not God, she does not know what God has in plan for her family and the Ministry of her husband.
- Sarah wanted to help God, told Abraham to sleep with her maid in order to expedite, speed up, the fulfilment of God’s promise of having a son (Genesis 16:1-3).
• As Sarah did that she brought problems to herself and the whole world (Genesis 16:4-6).
- The child that was born by Hagar: Ishmael, the son of the bondwoman, has his descendants causing problems for the whole world today (Galatians 4:29-31).
• What are you telling your husband?
EVE gave Adam, her husband, a forbidden fruit to eat (Genesis 3:1-8).
SARAH gave her husband, Abraham, her maid to marry, in order to expedite fulfilment of God’s promise (Genesis 16:1-6).
• I want to admonish you to be patient.
JESUS is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last (Revelation 22:13).
GOD knows the end of a thing from the beginning.
YOU do not need to be in a hurry when walking with God.
IF God has actually called your husband into the work, and you are sure of it, then allow God to have His way.
LET God build the Ministry of your husband as He wants.
GOD has a purpose for calling the man and He put you by his side to assist him in fulfilling the call (Genesis 2:20-23).
DO not cause him to derail because of impatient and cares of this world.
REMEMBER, the man, your husband, will give an account of his stewardship, likewise you, about the role you play in the assignment.
- “Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly, a not for dishonest gain but eagerly;
- nor as being lords over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock;
1 Peter 5:2-4 (NKJV)
• Admonition
- If it seems the Ministry is not moving or growing as it should be, or as you have expected; know that God is the Builder of His church not any man (Matthew 16:18).
INSTEAD of devising a means of helping yourself, you should encourage your husband to go to God in prayer, and be ascertained if he is actually doing what God has instructed him to do.
GOD is not stagnant, He is a moving God.
IF it seems your Ministry is stagnant, it means you have missed it somewhere. - Every Ministry has different stages and phases it passes through while developing or growing.
IF God, the Owner of the work, moves from one stage to another; and you cannot deduce that He has moved, the level has changed, then stagnation sets in.
IF you do not move when God moves, that is, change when God changes, then you become a monument and be marking time on the same spot. - A minister must be sensitive to God’s leading.
IN fact, the primary assignment of a minister is to be open minded, to know God’s mind on the work that he is doing.
GOD is the Master Strategist, while you are considering to slow things down, He may ask you to speed up.
GOD may ask you to change the pattern of what you are doing, in order to move you to ANOTHER level.
THIS plus other things are the reasons why you must seek His face daily to know what He wants you to do. - Know that God is a military, He rules by decree, HE is not a democrat.
GOD commands you on what to do, and as you OBEYED, He makes you a commander.
• Mainly, if a ministry is not making progress, it is usually in the area of disobedience, inability to do what God has instructed you to do.
- Wife, instead of you devising your own plans, either to veer off into another assignment; it is better and saver to stand with your husband in order to discover where you have missed it and both of YOU get back on the right track.
GET God in order to know what He is saying about your ministry.
ABANDONING the work is not the next thing neither is it the solution to the predicament.
• Note: Wife, do not say you are less concerned about it THAT, after all you are not the one who God has called.
THE truth is, if God has called a man, He has called the wife as well.
THE reason being that they are no more two but one—as they were joined together in marriage union.
WHAT affected the Man, either positive or negative, has equally affected YOU, the Wife, as well.
“So then, THEY ARE NO LONGER TWO BUT ONE FLESH. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.”
Matthew 19:6 (NKJV)
“And say to Archippus, “Take heed to the ministry which you have received in the Lord, THAT YOU MAY FULFIL IT.”
Colossians 4:17 (NKJV )
• May the Lord, give you understanding in Jesus name.
YOU will not fail in Jesus' name.