in HeartChurch9 months ago


2 “ENLARGE the place of your TENT,
AND let them STRETCH out the curtains of your DWELLINGS; DO not spare; LENGTHEN your CORDS AND STRENGTHEN your STAKES.
3 FOR YOU SHALL EXPAND TO THE RIGHT AND TO THE LEFT, AND your descendants will inherit the NATIONS,
4 “DO not FEAR, FOR you will NOT be ASHAMED; Neither be disgraced, FOR you will NOT be put to SHAME; FOR you will FORGET the SHAME of your YOUTH AND will NOT remember the REPROACH of your widowhood ANYMORE.
5 FOR your Maker is your HUSBAND,
THE Lord of hosts is His NAME; AND your REDEEMER is the Holy One of ISRAEL; HE is called the GOD of the whole EARTH.
6 FOR the Lord has called you.
Like a woman FORSAKEN and GRIEVED in SPIRIT, LIKE a youthful WIFE when you were REFUSED,” SAYS YOUR GOD.
7 “FOR A mere MOMENT, I have forsaken YOU, BUT with great MERCIES I will GATHER YOU.
Isaiah 54:2-8 (NKJV)

Psalm 102:13 (NKJV)

• It is a dawn of a new day!

  • The preparation for the new day activities is done at dawn before the breaking of the day.
  • We are at the threshold of breakthrough. The set time has come, the time to favor Zion, the church of God: "YOU will arise and have mercy on ZION; FOR THE TIME TO FAVOUR HER, YES, THE SET TIME, HAS COME" (Psalm 102:13 NKJV).

• Kairos and Chronos.

  • The words "Kairos" and "Chronos" are Greek words translated As Time in English Bible.
    a. "Chronos" is an uneventful Time. It is a space of time that nothing significant happened.
    b. Whilst, "Kairos" is an eventful Time. AN occasion that is set or a proper time. AN opportunity, or a convenient due season.
    It was used to denote time, season, opportunity, due time, and always.

• Chronos Prayers and Kairos Prayers.

  • In a Believer's life and journey; he or she would have a time of Chronos Prayers. A time that you pray, and nothing seems to happen.
  • You may have been praying for the particular thing for months or years, but nothing significant happened. That is Chronos time of prayer. An uneventful time!
  • However, when the Kairos time of prayer comes, a little effort in prayer produces many results.
  • At the Kairos time of a Believer's life, things happen in quick successions. The results in prayer or whatever you do are gotten with little or no efforts.
  • The Chronos time of a Believer's life always preceded the Kairos time of the person.
  • Some give up, call it a quit, at their Chronos time. They never waited on God till their Kairos time. By the time God came to visit them, give answers to their prayers, they had already gone—they are nowhere to be found.
  • God wanted me to tell you that you should not give up. Your Kairos time is coming, the set time is at hand. It is about a new day. It is the dawn of a new day in your life. Do not quit!
  • You may have prayed, labored, or toiled in prayers, without any significant result to show for it, at the Chronos time of Prayers.

• What are the things to do to prepare for the new day—the time of Manifestation, the set Time, the time to be favored—Kairos.
I. Deal with any negative character that could stop you, or that could prolong your Chronos time of prayer.

II. Shed weights. Weights that would not allow you to move forward. Things that could trip you up when the time of speed comes should be laid aside (Hebrews 12:1).

  • Weights are different from Sins. Weights could be legitimate things that become an hinderance to your breakthrough. Things that would not allow you to run the race of life as you ought:
    1 THEREFORE we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, LET US LAY ASIDE EVERY WEIGHT, AND THE SIN WHICH SO EASILY ENSNARES US, AND LET US RUN WITH ENDURANCE THE RACE THAT IS SET BEFORE US, 2 LOOKING UNTO JESUS, THE AUTHOR and FINISHER OF OUR FAITH, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, AND HAS SAT DOWN AT THE RIGHT HAND OF THE THRONE OF GOD" (Hebrews 12:1,2 (NKJV).

III. Love. You forgive those who may have offended you, abused you, or mistreated you:
"IT [Love] IS NOT CONCEITED (arrogant and inflated with pride); it is not rude (unmannerly) and does not act unbecomingly. LOVE (God’s love in us) does not insist on its own rights or its own way, for it is not self-seeking; it is not touchy or fretful or resentful; IT TAKES NO ACCOUNT OF THE EVIL DONE TO IT [it pays no attention to a suffered wrong]" (1 Corinthians 13:5 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition).

IV. Do what you have never done Before. - For God to do a special thing in your life, you also should do what you had never done before, for Him, His Kingdom, work, servants, and the Needy.

  • Make a covenant with God. Tell Him what you would do If He did help you out of that captivity and mean it.
  • Note: the vow you would not be able to fulfil should not be vowed (Ecclesiastes 5:4,5).

V. Prayer. You pray for the new day that is dawning in your life. You commit things that God has purposed to do in your life at the new Day, in His hand.

VI. Change. The only thing that is permanent is the change in itself.
a. Change in your approach to Things is of paramount importance, it is about a new day, thus a change in doing things and manner of approach is needed.
b. If the pattern you had been using did not produce the desired results, then you may have to change, consider another way of doing it.
SOMEONE said only a fool would keep doing the same way, what they had been doing without any result, and expected to get a different result.
c. Develop your skills. If there is a way to improve on whatever you do, whatever you know to do, I would encourage you not to hesitate in doing that.
LEARN how to do whatever you are doing better. That would give you an edge over those who are in the same field as you—those who are your contemporaries.

VII. Expand your coast (Isaiah 54:2-4).

  • Prepare for enlargement. Your faith has to be Expanded and increased to be able to receive what the Lord has purposed to do at the Kairos time.
  • You do the spiritual preparations, as in, the increasing of faith through the feeding on the Word of God, and the physical preparations, as in, the developing of your skills, and the being trained to learn more on how to do better whatever you know to do.
  • Know that there is always room for expansion and increase, do not accept the status quo. And do not be myopic, shortsighted, as well.
  • God could only fill the rooms or containers you made available. If you did not have enough containers, God would be compelled to fill only the available ones (2 Kings 4:3-7).
  • The widow of the Prophet with a jar of oil, who's sons were to be taken by the creditors, whom Elisha told to borrow empty containers; received the blessing of God according to the numbers of vessels she made available for God to fill (2 Kings 4:1-7).
  • Some went to the river to fetch water with a bucket, some with drums, and some with tanks.
  • You could only receive according to the rooms, containers, or vessels you made available for God to fill. Open your heart to receive from God. Let your eyes of understanding be enlightened, or opened (Ephesians 1:17,18), for God to show you what you had not known that could move you to another level of greatness and Blessings.
  • Study the Word of God, pray that God would illuminate your mind, or open your eyes of understanding.
  • Invest in books. Read your Bible extensively and the books of proven authors whom God has stirred your heart to read after.

VIII. Be Kingdom minded. Think of what you would do for God when He blesses you. Remember, God blesses with a purpose.

  • If the Blessings given you, or your lifting, would not be a benefit to His Kingdom, His work on earth; He might not release the blessing or the lifting you anticipated.
  • If what you are desiring, the lifting or the change you are expecting, is to gratify the self and boost your egos, God might not permit the lifting or the change of your captivity.
  • If you would not glorify God after you have returned or be out of the captivity, wilderness, or whatever; He might not allow your showing—manifestation (1 Corinthians 1:29,31; Luke 1:80).

• You will not fail in Jesus' name.

  • Should there be any ailment in your body, such is rebuked and uprooted in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  • You completely made whole, as from now onwards, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

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