- “O enemy, destructions are finished forever! And you have destroyed cities; Even their memory has perished.
- “But the LORD shall endure forever; He has prepared His throne for judgment.
- He shall judge the world in righteousness, And He shall administer judgment for the peoples in uprightness.”
Psalm 9:6-8 (NKJV)
• God is long-suffering in carrying out His judgement.
HE usually would endure with the people, give them time to repent.
- God did judge the Amalekites after four hundred years of what they did to the Israelites on their way to Canaan Land (Deuteronomy 25:17-19; 1 Samuel 15:1-3).
- However, when God carries out His judgement, it is always severe.
- God may endure, He may delay in carrying out His judgement, however, His endurance should not be taken for slackness or weakness (Romans 2:4).
- His silence does not mean that He approves or condones the wrong things you are doing.
NOTE: God might be giving you time to repent in your wrongs, but you have taken His endurance and mercy for granted—you thought God approves your sin Or condones it. - If God’s time of grace elapses, you may have dirge to sing.
- God judges in righteousness. He administers judgement in uprightness (Psalm 9:8).
- God is not partial, He will not condone sin or treat ANYONE specially or more than usual: "Who will render to each one according to his [her] deeds": FOR THERE IS NO PARTIALITY WITH GOD" (Romans 2:6,11).
- God does not have double standard when He meted out His judgement.
- The standard He uses in judging a white person, same would be used in judging a black person (Romans 2:9-11).
- God is no respecter of colour, race, nationality or whatever.
• God is a Defence
- Oppression comes from the enemy—the devil.
- The devil stirs up his human agents, those who have given their souls to him, to oppress God’s servants.
- Satanic attacks and oppressions should be handled prayerfully.
- God is our refuge when trouble comes: “The LORD also will be a refuge for the oppressed, A REFUGE IN TIMES OF TROUBLE" (Psalm 9:9).
- If you leave God’s refuge, you may suffer in the hand of the enemy.
- The devil would want to lure anyone who put his or her trust in God out of God’s protective care—custody.
• Knowing God which is a process, and that leads to total trust in Him.
- The more you know God, the deeper the understanding of Him you have and that increases the trust in Him.
- The more you seek Him, the more intimate you become with Him.
- Trust If you are a true seekers of Him, you will experience His faithfulness and that increases your trust in Him.
IF you genuinely and sincerely seek God, He will be found OF you: "And those who know Your name will put their trust in You; For You, LORD, HAVE NOT FORSAKEN THOSE WHO SEEK YOU" (Psalm 9:10).
• You will not fail in Jesus' name.