in HeartChurch2 years ago (edited)

“Now when the sun was setting all they that had any sick with divers diseases brought them unto him: and he laid his hands on every one of them, and healed them…."
Luke 4: 40-42 (KJV)

• About the self

  • When challenges came in the ministry work and we were in financial hardship, at times my family and I will sleep in the church for days without food yet I remained focused and refused to quit.
    One day after I have stayed in the church for days without food and managed to get a token, I was going home late in the night.
    As I was about to get to my house, God said “you have bore for ME, I will bear for you also, whatever you ask ME I will do, if you called ME on behalf of anyone I will listen to you."

• Also when God said I should move to another part of the City where I lived and work there, one day as I was doing a prayer-walk in the night, around the area, God said: Because you have obeyed, I will honour your words, I have approved your ministry and I will announce you.”

-> Take note:
• What makes your prayers answered on people is your covenant walk with God.
COVENANT is deeper than the other.
IF you are the type of minister or leader who argues with God or disobeys His orders or instructions.
HE also will not reverence your WORDS when you call on Him, either on behalf of someone or yourself.

  • When you live in disobedience and delayed obedience as a minister, you will not have a stand that is strong before God and that will make your prayer empties or void of results.

• FOR your word, as a minister, to produce results in the Life of the people, you must walk in the covenant relationship with God.
YOUR word will not fall to the ground and God will confirm your word and perform your counsel if you pay attention to this (Isaiah 44:26; 1 Samuel 3:19).

IV. Righteousness
• To solve Life's PROBLEMS a minister should live a righteous life.
Sin is a stinker. Sin is a sinker.
SIN destroys, men of God should flee from it: "FLEE ALSO YOUTHFUL LUSTS; BUT PURSUE RIGHTEOUSNESS, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart" (2 Timothy 2:22).

• If you wanted to be a blessing to people, or solve people’s problems, you need to do away with sin, because: “All unrighteousness is sin” (1 John 5:17).

V. Knowledge of the Word of God
• A minister of God or Leader of God’s people should be versed in the Word of God.
HE should be an avid reader.
• A Leader or minister who despises knowledge cannot be used to meet the people’s needs.
The Scripture says: “A wise man is strong, Yes, A MAN OF KNOWLEDGE INCREASES STRENGTH” (Proverbs 24:5).

  • Strength for the work of God is received through the knowledge of the Word of God (Acts 6:2,4).
    IF a minister does not feed on the Word of God, his faith will be shallow and weak: “So then FAITH comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Roman 10:17).
    FOR your faith to increase, study the Word.
    FOR God to approve your ministry, study the Word—God only backs up His Word.
    HE approves His words not tales (2 Timothy 2:15,16).
  • To save your own life and the life of the people hearing you, give attention to reading, exhortation, and to doctrine (1 Timothy 4:11-16).
    YOU can only give what you have as a leader, what you do not know, you cannot teach others, and if you do not teach the people you are ministering to, their faith would be weak, and without faith they cannot receive anything from God.
    IF you do not feed the people with the Word of God, their heart will be filled with doubts and unbelief (James 1:5-7).
    WITH that they would be wavering in their faith and that would cause them not to receive their miracles from God.
  • Feed your people with the word of faith, hope, and courage, it is then their problems would be solved.
  • No problem is solved without God’s Word.
  • Until the people’s faith grow in the Word of God, they may not be free from demonic captivity.

-> Take note
• The minister who builds the people under them around their gifts: prophecy, deliverance, or whatever, will succeed in having people who are baby Christians—those who are weak in faith.
WHEN that gift is not there, that is, when the pastor is not there, those people will not know what to do about situations or challenges of Life that may confront them.

  • Friend, you have a responsibility to build the people up in the Word of God, and to do that, you must be built in the Word first, because you cannot give what you do not have: “Take heed to yourself and to the doctrine. Continue in them, for in doing this you will save both yourself and those who hear you” (1 Timothy 4:6).

VI. Humility:
• As God begins to use you, you must never see yourself as the one solving the people’s problems.

  • You must be closer to God and be willing to do whatever He may ask you to do.
  • You must also acknowledge those who are higher than you in the work of ministry, do not be rude to them.
    DO not look at their leg ‘K’ legs.
    DO not speak ill of them.
    Beware of pride because of the little results you have had.
    AND be willing to do whatever God May have asked you to do and aspire for more grace and the anointing.
    DO not be satisfied so soon.

VII. Gratitude
• Give GOD praises and thanks for every result you get.

  • Do not share His glory.
    KNOW that He is the miracle worker, not you.
    HE is the owner of the virtue, not you.
    HE is the Healer, not you.
    SO give Him praise and honour.
    SHIFT people’s attention to God and not to yourself.
    WHEN the people try to praise you, return the praise to Him.
  • When the people give testimonies of what God has done through you, you give all the praise, glory and honour back to Him.
    YOU are not great, God is. So, praise Him, for you not to die prematurely.
    PRAISE Him for the anointing to be sustained.

• Result of Solving Life’s Problems

  1. Growth—God will cause your ministry to increase, numerically, spiritually and materially.
  2. Finances—the people will begin to bless the work with their substances (Luke 8:1-3).
  3. Material blessings—increase in material blessings (Acts 28:7-10).
  4. Scope of commission is expanded—more and greater responsibilities are given to you by God.
  5. More open doors in ministry—God announces your ministry and causes more doors of blessings and ministrations opened for you.
  6. Increase in the anointing—the anointing of God on your Life is multiplied.
    IF you are faithful with the gifts and the anointing given you, more shall be poured on your life.
    ANOINTING is multiplied when it is committed to work.
    THE more you use it, the more you receive from God.

• Prayer:
IT my prayer that you will not fail in Jesus name
THE power for signs and wonders is released on you
THE grace for exploits in Life and Ministry is released on you in Jesus' name.

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