The Root of all Evil | 10% to @heartchurch
Love can be very good if it is outfitted towards God and the things that God approves of. Be that as it may, love can be very dangerous if it tends towards the desire of the flesh, the desire of the eye or the pride of life. One item we should never based our friendship on is money.
Ecclesiastes 5:10 tell us know something very important with regards to the love for money. It cautions that if we love silver, it won't never please us, and that it is vanity to be obsessed with gathering wealth, like houses, vehicles, landed property, laurels of divers kind, chieftaincy titles, degrees all things considered, and so on. These are all vanity as in they won't ever give the satisfaction that our soul longs for. Aside from that, we can also die at any time and abandon everything, as found in story of the rich fool in Luke 12:16-20. It is thusly an huge insult to your tranquility and serenity to live money or wealth.
Desire godliness with contentment, which you can found in our Lord Jesus Christ. I urge you to absolutely give up your heart to Him, including that secret lust for money. The rat race for material things that will all disappear will just prompt disappointment at the end of the day. However, having Jesus in your heart is a fortune that won't ever fade. Have you lost such a lot of money or have you been frustrated monetarily, to such an extent that you are contemplating suicide? I urge that you shouldn't do it, Jesus offers you abundant life, and it has provision and contentment in it. Connect and get it from Him today.