RAPTURE: ARE YOU READY? | 10% to @heartchurch
As believers, we should be very happy that one day, we will leave this sinful world for Heaven, a place which void of sorrow or sickness, where there is no need to work like we are doing on earth, where the only thing we will be doing is worshipping God. Heaven is a place that is full of enjoyment and love.
Let me ask you this question and you should question to yourself, are you prepared for the Rapture?. If the rapture were to happen now, would you be on your way to Heaven or would you be left here on earth?
It is we assess your life very well: the intent of your heart, the words of your mouth, the things you do with your hands, are the things that will give you access for Heaven or will they hold you back if the trumpet sound today?.
If you haven't been living holy, you are lucky that rapture hasn't happened because if it had, you would either be in hell by now or left behind on earth to confront the Anti-Christ. If I were you, I would make use of the opportunity to repent of my sinful way and start to live holy.
The Rapture isn't something that you should joke with; it is a matter of eternity, the period that has no end.
Nothing should be too important for you to leave in others to make it to Heaven. If your hands will make you lose Heaven, it is better you get rid of it than go to hell with two hands.
Just imagine that you manage to go through the gate of Heaven but the gate closes on one of your hands.
That means you would have two options: either to get rid of the hand and go in with one hand or to go back out with two good hands. Which are you going to prefer? I am very certain you would choose to enter Heaven without that hand.
In like manner, you should prefer to sacrifice the joy of spending stolen funds, you should be able to control yourself from partaking in fornication or adultery and quit telling lies so that you can make it to Heaven.
Nobody on earth knows when the Rapture will take happen or when they would die. Even if the trumpet doesn't sound today, are you certain that you will still be alive tomorrow?. Remember that after death is judgment. Nothing should be too hard for you to leave to make Heaven.