When the Almighty God said Let us make man in our image in Genesis 1:26, no one could know what it would the Lord is talking about. By this divine plan, the man was made responsible for his actions and inactions in the light of the fact that he is a small god. Man in this manner had to take responsibility for his livelihood after he was chased out of the garden of Eden.
Despite the need of man to have things that he will be doing to survive, however, our Lord Jesus Christ still warns us to seek the Kingdom of God first. John 15:5 lets us know how to fulfill the law of fruitfulness. At creation, man lived abundance in all aspects, physically, spiritually, and materially because the Lord deposited His blessing upon him and his wife.
With little work, the man found huge outcomes for his labor. This, therefore, let us know plainly that to be fruitful, you must have a close relationship with the Almighty God.
The first law of fruitfulness is to make the Lord Jesus our personal Lord and Savior. This acceptance must be proceed by true repentance from our iniquity and evil ways.
It is time the believers understand the secret of fruitfulness: remaining in the Lord Jesus, the True Vine. We must let go of our worries about what or who we want to become, focusing instead on doing the will of God. With the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus on the cross of Calvary, we are tremendously blessed of the Lord, and we know that the Lord's blessings make us wealthy without any added sorrow.