Conformed to His image?
The purpose of redemption is to transform us into the image and likeness of God.
To redeem us to Himself, God sent His Beloved Son to be the Savior of the world. Through His sacrifice, God’s salvation is freely made available to all.
Those who genuinely receive His salvation become partners of His divine nature and are expected to follow in His footsteps through their lifestyles.
God is calling all mankind to repent from their evil way and put on a new man, who is created after God in holiness and righteousness.
The essence of Christian fellowship is to be transformed to the image of the Almighty God through Jesus Christ His Son, who is set before humanity as the model of the redeemed life.
God knows that worshipers take after the God or gods they worship. So, He ordained that His worshipers should be conformed to the image of His Son, so that they may worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.
As we behold the glory of God in the place of worship and personal fellowship, we are transformed to the likeness of Jesus Christ in faith, total submission and obedience to God’s will.
Understanding the nature of God and obeying His commandments are keys to living this transformed life.
To be Christ-like is not a just human effort to imitate Jesus; rather, it is the work of the Holy Spirit in a believer.