One thing every Christian must always remember is that our Heavenly Father can change things that seem impossible. In Genesis, we read how the Lord changed a horrible state to a peaceful and orderly universe. The Almighty God changes things in the world without Himself being changed.
The Lord Most High changed the unfruitful state of Sarah to fruitfulness. He did the same thing for Hannah and transform Jacob's life for the better by changing his name to Israel, as recorded in Genesis 32:24-32.
This plainly proves that what the Lord did in the life of Abraham, He could do in the life of others also. This is the reason I know that you will experience this Great Changer who doesn't change. As the Lord did for people who sought and called Him in the past, so will He do the same for you today, in Jesus' name.
The Lord Jesus changed your hopeless state and you start to sing a new song. I have good news for you today; the Lord Jesus never changes; if He did it in the past, He can surely do it again. As Jesus Christ was performing miracles when He was on earth, so is He still doing today. Put your trust in the Lord and He won't let you down because He never changes.