The Lord is the greatest guardian of all. Right from the book of Genesis, we read how the Lord commanded Adam to ensure the beautiful garden He had given him didn't suffer decay or any pollution. There are a lot of ways one can abuse the land or any God-given gift. The land can be misuse by sin of diverse kind, certainly idolatry and human sacrifice.
In Genesis 2:15, we are faced with the seriousness the Lord attaches to the care of His creation. In Deuteronomy 18:9-13, the Almighty God listed what His chosen people must stay away from so that the land that was destined to be prosperous might stay blessed perpetually. Idolatry is the most terrible sin against the Lord. When Adam chose to obey Satan rather than God, he wanted another god for himself.
A lot of individuals think idolatry is only when they place an image on the ground and start to worship it. There are idolaters in the congregation of God's people who prefer to obey Satan rather than God. They are always at every Church meetings and also participating in the activities but never do what the Lord wants them to do.
By disobeying the word of God, individual misuse the land, bringing everlasting curses upon themselves and generations after them. This was actually what Adam did and the Almighty God cursed the land because of him. To preserve the land which God has given us to dwell, we must obey Him and live in alignment to His word. When we do this, our land will be free from wicked activity and it will bring forth tremendous increase for our pleasure.