Acts 4:13 now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marveled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.
In the scriptures mentioned above we see how peter and Paul became bold and did great things that made the people marvel.
Brethren they is life in the holy spirit, as a Christian working in vineyard you will not succeed if and only if the Holy Spirit is not in you. Therefore letting you surfer. It is that same spirit of God that can sustain man. Being filled with the Holy Spirit you will be able to carry out any spiritual exercise giving in the church, such like fasting and praying, evangelism, follow-up and some other little spiritual exercise.
He that carries the Holy Spirit in can never and will never be weak. When we turn to our bible, we see the story of peter and Paul they overcame despite the challenges they had on the way. It was because of the Holy Spirit they had in them that made them victorious at the end.
In this life it’s your faith that will produce your confidence, naturally a man with boldness cannot fear the storms of life or what so ever thing that comes his way, now brethren that is what life in the Holy Spirit can do. Holy spirit in you will make you bold to be able to even face the devil himself and challenge him, just get this holy spirit today and be a victor.
Happy year 2021, to continue enjoying the healing of the community you must be a member of it, as well as participate in the activities for its development. We invite you to join our telegram channel for more information.