You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.
Deuteronomy 10:12
Imagine loving someone who remembers you for a while, who only looks for you when they need you, who mistrusts you at times, who prefers to spend time with other people, who brags about their relationship with you on social networks but in truth doesn't even They have dates, he's not even detailed, you actually know little about him.
Well, it's the same thing we often do to GOD.
We look for him at convenience, we distrust his power, we prefer to talk to thousands of people before praying, not to mention how many photos we manage to publish of our relationship with Christ when many times they are only appearances....
We know that God is with us in the midst of all situations (whether easy or difficult, big or small), he brings peace to our hearts.. </ center>
Many times we feel anxiety when we face certain uncertainty or danger.
Humanly speaking, that's normal.
However, the children of God know that God is bigger than any situation and he is in control of everything.
That knowledge brings peace and security. Our God accompanies us and watches over us at all times.
In due time we will see his move and his work in our favor.