Maintaining a burning Altar.
Hello friends,I hope you all are doing fine,I want to also believed we had a great time worshipping God today.
Am here with yet another piece I title Maintain a burning Altar.
I won't fail to appreciate this wonderful community @heartchurch for this platform.
Okay it's time to enjoy the ride together..smiles.
"12 And the fire upon the altar shall be burning in it; it shall not be put out: and the priest shall burn wood on it every morning, and lay the burnt offering in order upon it; and he shall burn thereon the fat of the peace offerings. [xref-1]
13 The fire shall ever be burning upon the altar; it shall never go out - Lev 6:12 - 13.
Having a burning Altar is not usually the problem but maintaining it is. Just like the sacrifice of getting to the place of relevance can't be compared to that of sustaining it.
There are times when you feel dry and empty without enthusiasm and vibe. Of course it doesn't necessarily mean you're disconnected but when you notice then feeling has become consistent then you have to check if your altar is still intact.
At this point I will like to say this, let's us not mistake working with God for working for God. Many have gotten so busy that they are so caught up in the activities of God but has lost connection with the God of those activities.
Jesus was never so busy that He left His altar to chance we have seen from the scripture how that He took out time out of no time to seek the face of God,He will always separate Himself from the crowd and even His disciple Just to ensure the fire never goes out.
Having a burning altar keep you fresh and relevant because an altar is a place where immortal come in contact with mortal; where divinity meets humanity. This is where you get direction for your life and even your generation. You're instant and fresh when connected but stale when disconnected.
Your altar is yours supports system,any believer without an altar will not stand the test of time,man has been designed to be assisted by a higher power or influence.People don't just rise and do exploit,they are assisted,the secret is in their altar.
"but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits - Dan. 11:32b
- Identify cold wood that could quench the fire. Lets not forget that the priest has been given the assignment to continually supply the altar with woods but caution should be taken so that woods that are cold will not be casted into the fire. The result is that the fire will go out..
Friends with lukewarm attitude falls into this category,people who ain't seeing from your spiritual standpoint will surely put out the fire in you. You have to identify friends like this and create a reasonable distance.
- Locate people of Like minds; people with fire.
These are the kind of people you should look out for,just like the Holy Scripture say,
Iron sharpeneth iron. Don't spend time with fire extinguishers. You don't need them to fulfil your destiny. When we move with people of like minds,we go far in life,being alone can be dangerous,the devil can easily attack and win but when you surround yourself with people of the same mind and spiritual fervour,it will be difficult for the devil to get you.
- Be intentional about maintaining the fire.
You can do this by constantly meditating on the word of God.
Praying and fasting regularly as this will help keep you active spiritually by suppressing the activities of he flesh.
"But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word - Act 6:4,
Retreat is another way of maintaining the fire, retreat is when and where you go renew your strenght. The fire will remain burning as long as you keep retreating as the place of retreat is where you can pause and check your spiritual progress to know where you're lacking or where you're improving.
"But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint - Isaiah 40:31.
Tape and Messages of men of God that has a good track record with God can also go a long way in keeping the fire burning as they have a way of storing up something from our within that always draw us to God and want Him more than ever before.
"That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises - Heb 6:12
These are just few out of the many ways you can get fired up Al the the and not burn out. Perhaps you have some other key ways of maintaining the fire on our altar,feel free to share in the comment section,I will love to learn from you.
Thanks for reading through.
I call you blessed.
Powerful!! I'll always keep in mind these words,they are true, thanks
The burning altar was for the Old Testament Law. It has no application in the Christian life since there's no need for animal sacrifices.
Smiles.. physical monument were used to represent altar and it was peculiar to those in the old testament,we might not set up those things like they did but the essence and significance of Altars remains with today even in the New covenant...
Thanks for your submission..I really appreciate.