Psalms 92:12 The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon.
The Almighty God has designed the righteous to be a flourishing specie.
To flourish means to be attractively fruitful in your season. It is the disposition of all round greatness and success in life endeavors.
When we choose to hold on to Christ alone and abide in Him genuinely, a system of flourishing is activated in our favor.
It's symbolic also to look at the righteous as a panlm tree. Every part of the tree is useful. Thus, the righteous is made to be productive and relevant.
Are you living in the righteousness of Christ? This is the only way to flourish in the kingdom. Years of service, experience or position can't give us a flourishing life. Only righteousness does.
Be righteous!
Let's pray together.
Dear righteous Father, thank you for giving us your righteousness in Christ Jesus. Please help us to remain righteous till the end, in Jesus name. Amen.