Go Forward
Exodus 14:15 And the LORD said unto Moses, Wherefore criest thou unto me? speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward:
The enemies were behind and the obstacle in front. Their complaints were justified physically, but the Lord said GO FORWARD.
It's critical here because at times there's nowhere to go.
At times every options are exhausted and the only thing comfortable to do is cry and complain.
But today, I bring you good news: GO FORWARD. Don't exalt your obstacles above the Almighty God who can remove anything or anyone from your way. He's able, not only to make a way, but to also destroy your adversary in split seconds.
Though everywhere seems blocked, there's something to be done. There's a God to serve, there's a song of praise to sing, there's someone to show love to.
Arise today with a new strength and move forward. It's not over until you cross to the other side of your destination : your promised land. Today, the Lord says GO FORWARD!
Let's pray together.
Thank you Father, for your instruction. We praise you as we move forward in all endeavors, in Jesus name. Amen.